No Light, No Light

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Morning came and went and the two of you slept on. Since neither of you apparently slept well at all the past week it was catch up time. Luckily, Steve gave everyone the whole day off to recover and rest after the mission. Sometime a little after noon, Bucky began to stir which finally woke you as well. You were still lying on your side with your back to him in a spooning fashion, a cool metal arm around your waist. Bucky's arm tightened around you to bring you closer and you hissed in pain from the movement.

Bucky immediately released his grip on you. "What? What happened, did I hurt you?" he asked in deep concern.

"No, no! I'm fine. Really."

He doubted your declaration as he tossed off the blankets and with your camisole lifted up slightly, he could see the bruise blooming on your left side over your ribs.

"Doll, what happened?"

"It's nothing, just a failed block during the mission. I'm okay," you assured him, rolling onto your back to face him.

"What about your head, Y/N?" he asked accusingly.

In the daylight, he could see a butterfly bandage just above your right eye with a small bruise of its own.

"Just a scratch. It's the only hit he got in, I made sure of that," you grinned.

Bucky was not amused. He sat up in bed and pulled the covers off you completely.

"Hey! I'm cold!"

"Any other injuries I should know about? Did you get those two checked out?" he said as he carefully scanned your entire body.

You sighed, "Bucky. Really, I'm okay. And yes, I think that's the extent of my so-called injuries. Nat checked them out, it's nothing, I'm positive. Which is pretty good, considering my track record."

Bucky mildly agreed, so he laid back down on the pillow and gingerly brought you down with him, tucking his flesh arm around you. You wrapped the blankets around you both and snuggled into his chest.

"Have you been sleeping in here every night?" you let loose your thoughts from last night.

"No," he said quietly. "I tried to go back to sleeping a few hours and then heading to the gym before trying to sleep again, but that doesn't work anymore. I got kind of used to you wearing me out every night." He smile appeared and then faded. "I just missed you and thought being around your things might...I don't know..."

You smiled up at him, "And the music?"

"It helps. Keeps my mind on happier things. Mostly." A ghost of a frown appeared and quickly disappeared from his face, almost like you had imagined it.

"Last night you said something about 'you're real' when I woke you up..."

"I did?" He sighed. "I mind plays tricks on me sometimes. I mean, I'm with you constantly for weeks and then you're gone. I had almost convinced myself you were a figment of my imagination."

You stretched upward to meet his lips, "I promise you, I'm really here. And INXS is incredible, I don't blame you. Wait!"

Rolling over and stretching toward the floor, you plucked a CD from the messy pile then handed it to him. "You should check this one out next."

He looked at it, unsure, "Florence and the Machine?"

"Yup. Ceremonials."

He sighed, knowing you won't give up. "Okay. So how was the mission? You said there was a change of plans?"

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