nash, sad:(

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'nash open the door whats wrong?' you pound on the door

then you hear nash wince in pain

'nash! whats wrong are you okay?!'

no answer but another wince

'NASH WHATS GOING ON?!' you practically scream

he still doesn't answer so you grab a candle holder from the table and start hitting the door knob until it falls off

you kick open the door and see nash sat on the floor holding his wrists with blood dripping onto his hands, theres a gun resting in front of him and his head is resting on his knees

'nash...wha-what are you doing? whats going onnn?' you stutter as you slowly walk towards him

he lifts his head up and looks at you

his perfect eyes are red and puffy from crying

his face is pale and theres no expression on his face

you take his arms in your hands and look at the slits

how can be do this?

hes perfect, every inch of him

how could he want to harm something so wonderful?

you can feel your cheeks get warm as your vision becomes blury from tears

you try not to cry but its hard not to, tears start streaming down your face as nash begins to talk

'I cant take this anymore (Y/N), I try to make people smile and all they do is hate me, what have I done wrong?!?!?' he yells

'nash its going to be okay just pu-put down the gun..'

'I just want happiness (Y/N) you and my family are all I have left I just cant take it anymore I love you chloe and I always will and im sorr-' you cut him of by lightly kissing him

'this isn't the end, I promise, youll make I through this, I did and I stayed strong, please stop this! for me?' you start to cry as nash looks to the floor

'nash.. it will be okay in the end, if its not okay, its not the end'

he kisses you passionately and picks up the gun

he pulls the trigger without thinking...your body froze as you drop to the floor

w-w-what just h-h-h-happened?

I-I-I-I cant even, why

thoughts start swarming your head as you feel a note beside you...

you slowly open it with your hands shaking...

'im sorry (Y/N) but this world is just not my place

ive tried for so long to fix this and fit in

ive come to realise this worlds full of sin

theres nothing for me here im just a waste of space

ive got no reason to stay here with this awful race

its a disgrace I was misplaced

born in the wrong time and in the wrong place

its okay though cause youll see me soon youll know when your time has come just look at the moon

as it shines bright throughout the night

and remember everyones facing their own fight

but I cant deal with the pain im not a fighter

youll make it through the night just hug your pillow tighter

so let the world know that I died in vain

because the world around me is the one to blame

and I know in a year youll forget im gone

cause im not really something to be dwelled on

that's what they used to tell me

all those kids in school

so now im going by the law majority rules

my presence on this earth is not needed any longer

and if anything I hope this makes you stronger

your the best friend that I ever had

such a shame I had to make you so very sad

just remember that you ment everything to me

and to my heart your the only one that held the key

now im its time to go im running out of space to right

and yes I lost my fight but please just hold on tight

im watching over you from the clouds above

and sending down the purest and whitest dove

to watch over you and be my helpful eye

so this is it world....


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