taylor ( cute )

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you and your friend taylor are goofing around on the beach

its almost midnight, the sky is starlit and you are all alone on the beach

you have feelings for taylor but you don't think he feels the same :(

after a while you just lay side by side with him and look up at the stars

you hear him shuffle about in the sand so hes facing you

"(Y/N) how do you see yourself in twenty years?"
the sound of him saying your name sent chills down your spine


"sorry....urm...older I guess" you giggle and he rolls his eyes

you look up at the stars and think for a while before answering

"well, I hope ill have a job that I love, a man that I love and who loves me for who I am, and a daughter!" you add and he just stares at your face

you give him a weird look "and what about you,taylor? how do you see yourself in twenty years?"

he looks down and mumbles "I don't really know..."

you can see hes hiding something and tell him to tell you the truth, hes quiet for a while then he starts blushing

"I erm...I...I see myself with you"

you stare shoked at him but realise hes telling the truth after a moment you notice him smirk as he leans in and kisses you softly, he gently snakes his arm around your neck and kisses your neck


you finish telling your daughter the story off how you and her dad met as you notice a huge smile across her face you look up at the doorway to see your husband stood with his arms wide open as he picks up your daughter and spins her around...

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