The Fun Turns to Horror

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"What!?!?" you yell. "I didn't like how happy you and that short dumb Sofia chick were so when it was my turn for sex I wanted to put on your condom for you so I could sabotage it. That's why I used my mouth to put it on." Hayley says as you get a horrified look on your face. "I'm both not caring for that thing or claiming it. It doesn't matter how many DNA tests you have done I'm still not claiming it." you say outraged, "Now get dressed I'm taking you home." She gets dressed quickly and you take her home. Later you go to your mom's house and pick up Sally, Molly, and the always adorable Sofia and go to the mall. Sally and Molly run off somewhere and Sally stays with you. While grocery shopping you and Sofia make a plan to make Hayley mad.

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