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Judal walks closer to his and his girlfriend's bed. She laying on her side, facing him. There enough space waiting for his return. Lifting the dark blue blanket he crawls inside ready for the day to be over. But once his body touching the soft bed something qoink at him. His red eyes guilds down seeing a black baby pig rubbing it's nose on his stomach. Jumping out of bed and taking the blanket with him. The comostion wakeing  his girlfriend up. Her green eyes meet his angry red ones. Her arms safely wrap around the small pig.
"What the hell is a pig doing in our bed!" Judal demands. Dramatically pointing his index finger to the black pig. She sits up still holding her pet.
"I found her scared and lost, I took her in, and by the way her is sweetpea." She gives him a attitude, casuing a growl to slip his lips.
"But why is it in our bed!"the fire rise inside the pit of his stomach. Her green eyes glaring into his ferious orbs.
"SHE NEEDS LOVE!" Getting more mad that he is not calling sweetpea a her, plus he wake her up which is not the best thing to do. Now Judal  exploding with rage.
"IT IS A PIG AND PIG DON'T BELONG IN BEDS!!" Stomping his feet and yelling at the top of his lungs. All he wanted was to cuddle his girlfriend and go to sleep. He had a very long tiring day.
"She need cuddles and sweetpea is staying no matter what." She pulls sweetpea with her, facing the opsite side of the piss off judal. Flopping on the bed, he back to back with her. Crossing his arms like a child not getting his way. Her voice whispers to the pig giving the little thing confert. Three minutes pass by Judal gets over his temper tantrum. His well built arm slips over her waist, his body press against her back. He spoons his girlfriend like every night. Her lips turn into a small smile.
The morning sneaking in through the window. Sirring awake, Judal red eyes shine open. He feeling something move around in his arms. Investigating he finds sweetpea waking up. He growls tossing the pig to the grown.
"Stay away from me." He threaten the small thing. He notices as the pig runs away her arm has a birth defect. Small part of him feels little bad. 
  The month goes by he starts getting attached to sweetpea. All three become a happy family.

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