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Showers of rain fell from the sky, but the blue day still shines. its very cold outside, easy for anyone to get sick. One Prince searching for a princess worry for the same reason. He passes maids asking if they have seen her. He described h/l, h/c hair, e/c orbs, and h/s (height size) nobody knew where she been.

Hakuryuu passes the window looking out to the garden. In the corner of his two different blue eyes, see f/c fabric. He turns to the window fully. His two different blue color eyes grow huge. Seeing f/c kimono, and h/c locks. Running outside to the bench he grabs her hands in his.

"Princess y/n what are you doing out here, you're going to catch a cold." He freaks out, she smiles innocently at his concern.

"Sit with me Hakuryuu, the rain is such lovely sounding. The invisible force field I made, is protecting me from getting soak." He nods sitting next to her, he little soaks from the rain.

Looking down he notices they are still holding hands. Pink dust his cheeks as he has fallen for the princess.

She came to the Kou empire to marry one of them. Her country wants safety and want to be in good terms with the empire. So her country sends her as a gift in a way.

Hakuryuu has never felt so at peach before. just her presences makes everything clam. even just looking at her shiny h/l h/c hair, the way her beautifully e/c eyes gaze into his. How she takes negative problems and fins healthy solutions. With her around the world becomes clear to him and beautiful.

"Have I told you Hakuryuu, you remind me of the rain?" Her voice silky soft. Y/n eyes glue to the pouring rain.

"N..n..no princess y/n, you have not." He stuttering like usual around her. her ggingleing turns into a grins, looking  up at him, turning his pink cheeks red.

"Because you cry so much.  like its  raining all the time." She bursts into a giggle fit.

"W...w.. what, I don't cry that much." He cries out, proving her point making her giggles turn into laughs. He Huff's upset as people always calls him a cry-baby.

"Hakuryuu, I love the rain, it's so beautiful." She squeezes his hand lightly. bring his attentions back on to her.

"Hakuryuu... I..I also love you." She confesses to him. Looking over she sees his tomato color face. His eyes huge from the confession.

"I love you too." Her eyes sparkling when he feels the same way about her. He gently cups her rosy cheeks, leaning in to kiss her passionately. warmth fulling them both, they been wishing to express each other love for long time. They pull back for air both smiling happily, her head lays on his shoulder. Hakuryuu wraps his arm around her keeping her embrace.

Time Skip.

Hakuryuu and y/n been together for couple years now. They share all their dreams, secrets, and hopes. She feels even more in love with him. He loves her more and more with each day. There have been hard days, days when he gets tired and wants to run away. But he always tells her he loves her before he goes.

Right now he is about to run off to war. Y/n try to find him before he runs away.

She finds him with the other Ren family members. they about to leave.

"HAKURYUU WAIT!" She yells trying to catch up with him. Stopping the horses he looks back at her as does everyone else.

"Y/n?" He gets off the horse seeing her out of breath. She finally gets to him she flings her body onto his.

"Wow, you really need to exercise more. If your breathing like that." He teases her being out of breath.

"Shut..up..cry..baby." She takes breaks to breathe. He smiles down at her tire body.

"I love you." He whispers for only her to hear. The corner of her lips turns up.

"I love you too." She whispers as well.

"I promise I will come back don't worry." He tells her in a tight hug.

"You better, I will be here waiting for you." She buries her face into his chest already missing him.

" Let's go Hakuryuu." Kouen strickly tells him. Hakuryuu pulls back kissing her forehead and holding her arms.

"See you soon love." He climbs onto his horse blushing red.

"see you soon my love." she waves him goodbye for now.

Another time skip A day After the war.

Rain lightly sprinkle down, the two lovely couples face each other. Bonding one another with rings on their fingers.

Princess y/n now becomes princess y/n Ren. Happily married to prince Hakuryuu Ren. 

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