Have you ever thought about how things could've turned out,
If we had never crossed each other's path?
What would we each be about?
Would we still each be full of wrath?
I want you to know that I don't hate you,
I just hate myself.
I hate what I have turned you into.
You can tell well, my actions speak for themselves.
I wonder if you will ever again believe in this liar.
For all I ask is your care and forgiveness.
Will your heart ever love again, or has it forver retired?
Please let me know for this wait will bring me illness.
I love you more than I could ever show.
My behavior shows the opposite of what my heart feels.
I have hurt and torn you to pieces, although
I need you, I'm sorry that with me you have to deal.

My Savior❤
PoetryA girl who changed me completely. Killed me, but saved me in a way;-;