flames and new friends

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I was sitting against a wall,trapping myself between it and a bush.I can hardly breathe from what I just went through.I have multiple burns on my arms,legs,chest,and face.

My house was currently in flames.I have no clue what happened or how it happened,all I know is that I was changing clothes when I smelled something burning,ran downstairs to find everything on fire.I couldn't even get out the front door.Every second I stayed on the staircase,the fire seemed to rise and I could hear the house giving out with every little squeaky noise it made.I ran up stairs and ran towards my window but it was locked

Thanks to previous events my parents put a lock on my window and they have the key with them at all times.I regret all the times a snuck out this window to go to a party or to hang with my friends.

When I turned to my door I could see smoke coming from under it.

You're probably thinking I could just break the window and jump out without any burns or scratches but it's not that easy.

When my mom put a lock on my window,it wasn't just a normal lock,it's a prison lock.therefore the key is a remote.once you put the lock on something,you press a particular button that locked it and guards it with invisible lasers.If anything were to touch it while it was Locked then it will cut that part of the body off leaving you in an outrageous amount of pain.The crazy thing is...

she bought it on ebay for 39.99.

My only option was to get to my brothers room which is the room next to mine.I opened the door to see the wall infront of me engulfed in flames and it was rushing to get me.I ran to my brothers room but his door was locked.

could this day get worse??

apparently it can...

pushing and trying to open the door the flames had touched the wall on one side of the door,burning my left shoulder by a lot.I was coughing very hard but I pushed myself harder than ever.I felt my left leg start to get burnt because of the fire that was spreading so quickly.

I'd need to kick this door down' I thought 'but i'm surrounded by the fire'

absolutely not caring if my whole body got burnt,I stepped back which caused both my arms,back,and legs to get burns which in with no doubt are severe,quickly racing and colliding with the door knocking it down.stumbling into the room I regained my upright position and raced to the window,opening it,and jumping out landing on my feet but fell to my knees.

I ran across the street to my neighbors vacation house and leaned my back against the cool metal,sliding down till I was in a sitting position with my knees to my chest.

and that ladies and gentlemen is how I almost got killed in a fire.


Its been 27 minutes.I start hearing sirens coming closer and closer.The house collapsed about 20 minutes ago.

Ive been crying for 15 minutes because it took 12 minutes for the shock to were off and the life and death situation to finally dawn on me.how much i've been burnt and how I could've been dead right now if it weren't for my awsome skills of being really skinney.

if your wondering where my family is,they are at a theatre in another city to see this new movie my brother wanted to see.

"Excuse me are you alright?"I heard a male voice ask me.He put his hand on my shoulder which made me flinch.he moved his hand away.

I looked up to find a guy and 2 girls looking at me very concerned.

"Are you an idiot Ryan?Ofcourse she's not ok,look at those burns"One of the girls said looking at my arms and legs.

"Are they coming?"I finally croaked out

"The fireman and police are almost here,atleast that's what they told us"The other girl spoke.

"Can you stand up or walk?"The guy named Ryan asked.

I looked at my arms then I looked at my legs.I tried to move them which resulted in a high pitched scream.I could feel the tears forming.

"O look they're here"A girl said when we heard the fire trucks arrive."Abby,Ryan help her get up.Imma go let them know she's hurt"One of the girls said before jogging off towards a police car.

Ryan and Abby got on each side of me putting an arm around my waists.

"Does it hurt when you move?"Abby asked.Well since you asked it hurts when I move,touch myself,get touched by something but it's all good I mean,these burns are probably only VERY severe but hey,does it matter?
But instead of saying all of that I just nodded.

"well try not to scream to loud.On 3"Ryan said to me before getting ready to pick me up.




....3!!!"Ryan counted before both of them hauled me to my feet.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH"I yelled looking at my legs.they both looked as if they were thrown in a frying pan.

When I looked back up I saw a gurney being brought my way.I also saw my mom,dad,and brother running towards me.I wish I could say what happened after that but my eyes and brain didn't feel like working with me anymore as I drifted into a darkness only I could see.


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