rivera high

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La Rivera the high school of  La Villa the mascot is the raider thats why La Villas colors is silver and black. The brothers are all in different grades luis is a freshmen juan is a  junior and carlos is a senior but he rarley whent to school he always came back home with a report card full of F's juan was always the godygody of the family he always came home with A'and B's luis came with D's he was following in the footsteps of carlos The school is just a battleground everyone has there own tribe theres chinatown,the ghetto,apache junction,and us or little Matamoros theres also the preps or preppies there are the one who spend all of daddys money to get wat they want and they think there better than everyone. One walked over and  he said get off this our spot now carlos looked around and replied what did you say he replied i said get the hell of this is my spot stupid beaner after that the kid ended up in the hospital with a broken nose a broken lefg and five broken ribs and his other friends ended up with just bruises. After that beating carlos got suspend for a week and the parents threatened to sue but even if they did what will they get a shot house on the east side of LA so the parents dropped the charges and carlos did a week of community service. But it was all worth it because after that mess happened no one messed with us not even the teachers and the preps well they stay the farthest away

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