Curly really annoys me

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It will all be in Liv pov unless I say other wise

They all get dressed in Jake's clothes that he leaves over sometimes. Is that weird? Anyways we are all sitting here and Blondie breaks me from my thoughts. "Do you have any food?" he asks, Brown eyes nudges him and says "Niall that's not very polite." Hmm nice name.

"Well sorry but I haven't eaten since breakfast" he continues. I laugh and tell him that there is some food in the kitchen "Help yourselves" He rushes to the kitchen and brings back tons of snacks for the rest of the boys, "So your name is Niall, that's a nice name." He drops his chips and stares at me in shock. "Um is everything ok there Niall?" "You don't know who I am?" He questions, I just stare at him. "Yea you're Niall, I just met you? It came out more as a question than an answer. He laughs and just shakes his head up and down. "Well now I know Blondie's name so can I know the rest of y'all's names? Niall laughs and says "Blondie haha is that my nickname? But seriously you don't know who we are." I shake my head no "Sorry but if you can't already tell I have an old tv and no cable wires so I can't really keep up with things these days." "Well I'm Harry, Liam, Zayn and I'm Louis. They all say" Well hiya, I'm Liv and the dark husky is Demon and the other is Layla." Demon growls at Harry and I don't blame him, I'm not the biggest fan of him right now. I whistle and he retreats. "So what brings y'all down here?"

Liam I think that's his name speaks up. "Well we wanted to go camping to get away from everything but then it started storming and blew all our tents down and fire out so we went looking for some kind of shelter and yea." "Hmm ok, well I have some left over dinner, anyone hungry?" Niall shoots his arms up and I laugh. "Eager aren't't we?"

He nods vigorously, I fix them all a plate and they dig in like wild savages. "By the looks of it, you haven't had anything to eat in awhile ey?" Niall opens he mouth to talk. "smo swe havmt, smoo lomg this smo gwod." I burst out laughing one because he looks like an adorable puppy and its funny how I know what he's saying. "Oh I see, when was the last time you ate then Niall, I question" All the other boys look at me then black quiff boy says "How did you know what he was saying? Half the time I don't even know?" "Uhh its quite obvious, isn't't it?" They shrug and continue eating. "Exactly what is this we are eating,? Louis asks."Possum" He chokes and says what. I laugh and they do too, but they don't realize I'm dead serious.

"I wasn't't joking." They all spit it out and wipe their mouths except Liam and Niall. Liam whacks the others on their head and mutters something about being polite. "It's ok, uh Liam right? He nods, "I don't care; But hey food is food and I'll do what I have to; to survive." They agree and finish their meal. I show them where they can sleep and they head to bed.

Later that night I decided to do some research on them, their info pops up as well as some music. Being the curious one I am, I click on little things. After the song finishes, I'm in tears, I didn't't realize how much it would impact on my life. They sure are talented, I turn the computer off and head to bed. I cuddle up with Layla while Demon being himself sleeps by the door, I always try to invite him up but he always declines. Soon its 5 am and i rush to get up and watch the sunrise. Its a habit now I guess, after having my morning coffee and the clock reaches 7.

I decide to make a big breakfast. Satisfied with the results I send Lay and Demon to wake the boys. I give Demon a wink and he trots off. All of sudden I hear a familiar shriek. I walk in to see whats going on and there sits Demon right on top of Curly. "Ahh get it off of me, Louis help me" Curly yells. I smirk in triumph and whistle for Demon. He happily gets off but before coming to me he turns around and growls at Curly. Curly falls back into Louis arms and they both fall down. I chuckle, "Oh by the way breakfast is ready." I walk back out into the living room/kitchen and then I turn to see the boys gobsmacked faces. "Did you make all this?" Zayn asks. "Yup, I love to cook" I say popping the p.

"Well don't just stand there, dig in" They do as I say and Niall sure loves food. "Can I marry you?" he says I laugh at his adorableness but remember the things my mother would say and my smile turns into a frown. He wouldn't't want to marry me, who would? After all he is joking. I put on my fake smile and begin to grab a piece of toast. "You ok there? Liam asks I try to think of a lie quick. "Oh yea totally, I was just thinking about how my mom and how she taught me how to cook, that's all" Lie and a big one at that, my mom hated me and never would take any amount of her time to spend it with me. "Oh I'm sorry love, why don't you give her a ring ya?" I laughed "If only it was that simple, so how's the food?''

I didn't't want to talk about her any longer. She isn't't worth my breath. They seem to have gotten the message. Except one, guess who that would be.

"Where are your parents anyways?" I huff he is really starting to piss me off. "I bet they would like to know how rude you have been." He says, I try to keep calm but he keeps on talking. "Or did they kick you out because of it? Huh miss rebel and why aren't't you eating hmm? Maybe trying to lose a few because whatever it is, isn't't working. He mutters the last part. But it was loud enough for me to hear. I slam my hands on the table by now I am fuming. I get up from the table and smack him. "GET THE FUCK OUT YOU LITTLE PRICK" "ALL OF YOU GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE" I scream at them.

How dare he, he saw my face when I talked about my mom. Ugh little prick. They all try to calm me down but Mr. Curly over there is smirking, so he thinks this is funny. I grab my gun and point it at him to show I'm not messing around no more. His smirk vanishes quickly and he becomes frighten as well as the others. "I said get. the. fuck. out." "Whoa calm down, he didn't't mean it. he was just messing around." Liam tries to reason with me. Before he can say another word the door swings open..

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