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(Y/N)=Your Name

(B/N)=Brother Name

"Hey Amanda," You said glumly to your friends at school.

"Hey (Y/N), what's wrong?" Your best friend, Amanda said.

"My brother and I are going to Iwatobi High next year. We'll be living with my uncle."

"But, why?"

"My parents are getting in a divorce and they think it would be better if we weren't around."

"Oh, but isn't Iwatobi High on like the other side of the world from here?"

"Yeah, and my uncle's house is like, hours away from Florida, obviously. So me and (B/N) will be on a plane together for hours."

"Do you know how many hours?" You shook your head. "I so wish I could go with you, that way we could go through a new school together!"

"Yeah. I'll be leaving at the end of this school year. My only concern is, texting will be hard. If I'm awake, you could be asleep. I mean, there will be some time, but only about four or five hours. Six if we're lucky."

"But hey, some hours is better than non, right?"


"Wait, so if you're leaving at the end of the school year, does that mean..."

"I'll be leaving Saturday." Tears started to well up in your's and Amanda's eyes. You pulled Amanda into a hug, never wanting to let go. "I don't want to go! I want to stay here!" You both cried into each other's shoulders until the bell rang. You both straightened up and went into class.


There it was. The entrance to the airport. You looked to your left and saw your parents. You looked to your right and saw Amanda and (B/N). You took a deep breath, and started walking towards the door, your parents, Amanda, and (B/N) right behind you. When you got to security, you gave a hug to Amanda and tried holding back the tears, but failed. After a while of hugging and crying, you let go.

"I'll text you when I land ok?"

"Ok." You said one last good bye to your parents and Amanda and then went in Security after (B/N). Almost two hours later you finally boarded the plane. It was only hours before you would see your uncle.

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