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When we got to school everything was normal. Nothing exciting was happening. Haru and I walked in holding hands. We walked into the classroom and sat down in our seats. Suddenly, my phone buzzed with a text. I unlocked my phone and read the text.

Uncle Sasabe: When are you coming home?

Uncle Sasabe: I'm sorry.

Uncle Sasabe: Please, your parents would kill me.

You: Oh, so it's only about you not getting killed. Nice to know that you care SO much about me.

Uncle Sasabe: No, it's nothing like that! I'm just worried you're going to get in trouble. Please come home.

You: You sound like some loner ex-boyfriend telling their ex-girlfriend to come back to them.

Uncle Sasabe: I know, but I need you back at the house.

You: Why, so you can yell at me again, and slap me again? Did you know it left a bruise? Yeah, it did. I'm not going back home.

Uncle Sasabe: Look, I'm sorry, ok?

You: No, not ok. Look, I got to go, class is starting.

Uncle Sasabe: Ok, just, stay safe ok?

I put my phone back in my pocket and put my head on the desk.

"You ok?" Haru asked.

"Yeah, I'm good." I sighed. "Uncle Sasabe just wants me to go home. He sounds like some desperate ex-boyfriend." I laughed lightly. I lifted up my head and looked at Haru. He was slightly smiling. Then he frowned.

"So are you going to go back?" He asked, obviously a little worried by my answer.

"Not yet, I still feel unsafe around him. And honestly, I don't like the fact that (B/N) is there alone. Then again, (B/N) could whoop Uncle Sasabe's butt better than I ever could." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Throughout the day I kept getting texts from Uncle Sasabe. I was so mad, I almost threw my phone at one point. But, I didn't.

Once Haru and I got back home I took out my phone and looked at all the texts. It was just some lame stuff like, 'come back home,' and 'I miss you,' and some other boring, cheesy stuff like that. I ignored all of them. There really wasn't anything exciting that night either. Today was just kind of a relax day. Not much drama.

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