First Class

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I walked into Iwatobi High and was greeted by Gou.

"(Y/N)!!!" Gou screamed tackling me into a hug.

"Hey Gou! It's been awhile since we've last seen each other, hasn't it?"

"Yes, yes it has. It's been like, weeks! We should totally hang out soon. How about at the swim meet tonight? We can both stare at all the muscles together!" Gou said, going into a daydream.

"Sounds good to me. I'll be there with my uncle anyways."

"Awesome! So what is your first class?" I pulled out my schedule that I got the day before and looked at it.


"OMG!!! We have the same class! And, the whole swim team is there too! We all sit next to each other and it will be great!"

"Really?!" I said, feeling my cheeks heat up bit.

"Yeah! Hey, are you ok? Your face is really red."

"Uh..Y-yeah. I-I'm great!" Gou looked at me and smirked.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" I felt my face get even redder.
"N-n-no! L-let's just get t-to class!" I said, quickly walking off.

"Wait for me!"

When we got into the classroom the teacher looked at me, then at her clipboard.

"You must be (L/N) (Y/N), correct?"

"Y-yes ma'am."

"Excellent! You have have a seat right over there by Rei. Rei, can you please raise your hand for Miss (L/N)?" Rei raised his hand and I walked over and took the seat next to him that was now mine. I looked around me and noticed that the whole swim team really was one big group in the back. Gou was in front of me, Rei to my right, Makoto to my left, Nagisa on Gou's Right and Haru on Gou's left. Then I was right in the middle. I was happy to be surrounded by people I knew so that I didn't have to make new friends. "Alright class, today will be a free day, so you can chat amongst yourselves." I smiled as Gou turned around and Haru and Nagisa turned just enough to see all of us.

"So... (Y/N), what's up?" Gou said, smirking.

"Not much."

"Oh really?" Gou was getting closer to you.

"Um... Yes?" Gou got even closer to the point where she was right in front of your face.

"Who do you like?" She whispered.

"W-what? N-n-no one." You had a light dusting of pink on your cheeks.

"You sure about that?"

"Uh-huh." You squeaked.

"Gou, let (Y/N) breathe! You can't freak her out on her first day of school!" Nagisa said. "She's probably already freaked out as it is!" Gou sat back down.

"I will find out. One way or another." She whispered.

"So, (Y/N) what do you like to do for fun?" Rei asked, changing the subject.

"Draw, I usually always did it back home. Especially during class. My teacher found me doing it once and showed to the class. It backfired though."

"Really? What happened?"

"The class just started clapping and cheering."

"Why what did you draw?"

"The school in a trash can." We started laughing.

"Do you think you could draw it again?" Makoto asked.

"Maybe. I honestly haven't tried."

"Then try it!" Everyone said.

"But it took me like three classes to do!"

"Did you do it for all the class periods?"


"What do you have third period?"

"One of my electives."

"What did you choose?"


"Really? I have that class too!" Rei said.

"Yes but there will be no time for me to work on it, so It could take me four classes instead of three."

"True", everyone agreed. I looked over at Haru who had said nothing and noticed him staring at me. He blushed lightly and quickly looked away. My cheeks turned ever so slightly pink as I looked away too. The bell rang and I went off to my next class.

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