Chapter 3: The Phyrus Stone

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It felt warm in my hands. The burning, stinging pain that people usually expect when their hand is set alight was not shown. Patterns formed and reformed within the fire speaking to me in a long forgotten language that I could barely grasp. Then it showed me things, the fire was moving and forming shapes, they're...things that I've done in my past...I think, I can't tell for sure. There was this beautiful lady. She always had this crown of gold which seems to be alight with life and fierceness. She wore dresses made of silk, her movement ghost-like, her feet always seem to glide from one spot to the other,then she had a small and beautiful child in her arms. The child was glowing with life. The patterned reformed once more to show a crowd of people in a photo. There were a vast number of them but all of them were all related to the child.

"Wait! how did I know that? It is as if this all just a distant memory, glowing as dim as an ember"

The scene then changed dramatically. The serene environment had suddenly turned into ruins, people from the last scene - my family - were on the ground lying still, silent and souless. I felt tears running down my cheeks, my throat throbbing as though I've been shouting.

" They're dead Salena! We need to go now! " I felt myself being yanked away by a powerful hand, the next thing I knew, we were running into the cold and haunting night. Wolves and horses chased us, trying to outrun the cold, cold snow. Shrieking whenever it caught them.

We were riding on one. It was stormy grey, nimble and its name was.....Epona. wait how did i know that?

"Sakura! Sakura! Wake up!" Andreq shouted but he it was like hearing him under water.

I turned back to the enchanting patterns but would not reveal anything anymore for me so I returned to the world. I remembered feeling as thought I am falling and everything growing dim before I returned to the world.

"Sakura?" Said Andrew,"Are you alright?"

I turned around, facing away from the stone to tell him everything that I have seen and that I wasn't fine. Not at all, but as soon as I turned around I swear his eyes grew twice their size. It reminded me of the children in the village.

"What?" I ask.

"Your face."

I got a quick flash of anger it, however went away when he showed me my reflection on a broken piece of glass and I understood why he reacted like that.

All my scars had faded. My uneven skin tone has turned into a lovely shade of brown. My hair had turned raven black and my eyes oh my eyes! They've turned into the colour of dying embers.

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