Chapter 4: Rain of fire

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I snatch the broken glass from his hand and stare at the person staring back at me. This could not be me. This could not be her, it could not be Salena. I am Sakura and Sakura had scars all over her face from the burns, when she was young. Sakura had short, brittle hair, not the long, glossy, even coloured hair that the girl in the glass had. Most importantly Sakura had plain brown eyes, NOT the soft, red, ember eyes the girl in the glass possessed.

I kept staring at the glass, making small movements while the girl mimicked me perfectly. It wasn't until Andrew snatched the piece of glass and started shaking me, that I must've lost my mind.

" Andrew I'm ok, ok? " I say.

" Well you kinda scared me when you kept staring at your reflection."

My reflection?

" Andrew? "

" Yes? "

" Tell me the truth. Do I look different? "

There was a pause, not a long one, but definitely there.

" Of course! But you should'nt worry. You look absolutely marvelous. " He said good-heartedly, but I could sense something had already changed between us.

Great I get a beauty visit from a stone and my friend is already distancing himself from me. How can this get any worse?

I was about to find out.

Andrew and I were cautious because my new look. He said that I could possibly pass off as a lost, young princess that he found in the woods, but I argued that how would I be able to explain why I was in the woods in the first place. What about my guards? And my clothing I said. In the end we, and when we I mean me, decided to go through the woods. Upon arrival my hut was quiet. The door was swinging on its hinges, some of our precious food was thrown out the window and my new eyes saw blood on the door handle.


I ran into the house shouting his name. I didn't find him there, I did however found a trail of blood leading outside. I follow it anxious to see Damien. It led back to the woods but the blood spatters were now spread a bit more widely from each other.

He was running, but from what?

I kept following until it finally disappeared. I scan the area, looking for any broken branches or undergrowth, however I find none. Panic made bile rise to the back of my mouth. I became frantic and started tearing up the undergrowth in frustration. It wasn't until I had uncovered his hiding place that I stopped. Relief immediately filled me and I break down into tears.

" It's alright, its alright. " He says stroking my hair.

" I thought I lost you. " I say enveloping in a crushing bear hug.

" Now I know that I gave you a little scare. "

An Understatement Damien, but at least you're still alive.

" But? "

" But we have to start moving, they've found us."

Who are they?


We go back to our hut and collect what little clothing and food we had. Andrew dressed the small wound on Damien's shoulder, then he busied himself with our two horses, while I spoke with Andrew. I had to tell him that him and Damien had changed. I wanted to ask why, but I also wanted to say a proper goodbye to my dearest friend. Somehow I knew that he wouldn't be coming with us. He wouldn't be able if wanted to anyway. Somehow I knew that Damien wouldn't let him, so I took my time to say my goodbye. Tears forced themselves out of me as I did.

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