1 = □ Invested □

84 2 2

Before i begin, this story is based off of/inspired by the drama series 'W'.


It was 2am already and i just couldn't put the screen down. I just finished playing Episode 3 of Life is Strange on my laptop and my mind was mush. Seeing Chloe and Max get closer, the drama intensifying. I got so drawn to it i lost track of time. However 1 character stood out to me out of all the characters. Nathan Prescott, whose been basically portayed as the 'bad guy' especially by Max. I thought maybe he may not be as he seems. I mean there's always two sides to a story right?

I look to my door as it opens slowly. "Layla, you can't be serious." My Mom crosses her arms, still in her nurse uniform. She just came back from a long shift.
"I was just about to sleep-"
"Alright. If i come back and you're still awake, you're grounded for a week."
"Mom, I barely go out. You consider that a punishment?"
She rolls her eyes and closes the door and I plopped myself into the sheets dozing off, i hoped to replay the game again. I wanted to change my decisions i wasn't sure of.


I woke up, and heck it was 1pm. My tummy was wildly growling at me, demanding food. I went down stairs with my nest of hair, in complete exhaustion. Nobody was home right now. But i notice in the corner of my eye, a broken glass shattered on the floor along with whiskey and pieces of paper scattered on the dining table. I thought to myself, well it maybe one of Daryls outrages. (Daryl is my 'Dad',who i refuse to refer to as my Dad). I walked over to the dining table to check what the papers were. I picked them up and realised after a second they were divorce papers. I started to tear up, but most of all i was mad. Mad at Daryl for never having my Moms back, never being here for us, and being a drunken asshole all the time.

I decided to put it behind me for today, i needed a break anyway. Everything had gotten too much. I made myself some toast and a cup of tea for a late breakfast (aka. Lunch). After eating, i went out to get the Groceries.

It was 6pm, time passed by quick and i was keen to start playing again. I lifted my screen, took my controller out and started the game. This time i was going to be careful of what i did... now that i know the huge consequences each decisions held. I wanted to be careful of Nathan and not blame him for anything, it became a game of me saving the guy. I guess i felt bad suspending him, and - wait i feel like i'm treating him like a real life guy. Am i crazy?

I don't know... seeing him at the end of episode 1 and 2, he looked at ease and i guess innocent. What am i saying?

I look at the screen and its the end of episode 2 my eyes were real tired from staring at the screen so much. The aftermath of Kate attempting to kill herself got me in a really sad mood, my heart kind of ached at the pain all the characters went through especially her. But i was glad i saved her. The scene was Nathan walking into Victoria's room, my most favourite scene of his. But then, the screen get blurry. Jeebuz, am i hallucinating now? I look around the room and everything seems fine. But for the split second i looked away; i feel a touch in my hand. What. WHAT. I look at my hand and coming right from the screen was a hand grabbing hold of mine. Is this REAL?!
I was frozen still.
I didn't know what to do.
If this is a dream,
this is some real fucked up dream.

Everything was white, and next thing i know i'm in a bathroom stall?
"I'M SO SICK OF PEOPLE TRYING TO CONTROL ME!" holy fuck, what?!?! Is that Nathan Prescott? I gasped and put my hand over my mouth. I was JUST in my room. What the fuck just happened. " Get away from me, psycho!" My eyes widened and i ran out the stall reaching my hands out after hearing the loud gunshot. Holy shit. This is....
Before i knew it time stopped, I bumped into Max at the same time. I stared at get confused. Did we.... both stop time? We both notice only we were seeing all this. We reversed the time and everything played again. This cannot be real. "Nobody will even miss your punk-ass would they?" I ran out the stall once more and yelled "NATHAN."
He looks at me dead in the eye, Chloe behind him and Max nearby.
"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" He points the gun at me and Max and we both stared at each other completely startled and confused. Chloe shoves him and ran out the door, Nathan sped walk away putting the gun back in his pocket. I fell to the ground in complete shock. I was trying to comprehend what the hell was happening. I looked at my hands all confused, it was like all pixelated and shit. It was like i was in the game. No fucking way. I'm in Episode one? "Uh-" Max says looking at me. "Who are you? Did we just-" she asks. I got up and ran away out the bathroom door. Going through the halls, i just couldn't believe it. I was in Arcadia bay?

My heart was pumping so fast.





= SCREENED  REALITY   = (Life is Strange, Nathan Prescott Fic)Where stories live. Discover now