Chapter 6 - Questionable

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I hadn't given up on bringing Theo back, even though I didn't have Kira's sword I assumed I still could do something that would help me rescue him. I had made a lot of online search on the subject of Kitsunes, but I hadn't found anything that could even represent what Kira was, therefore, I had come up with nothing.

However, there was someone who could be able to help me, someone who had tried to learn everything about the supernatural before even being sure if existed, before even knowing was surrounded by them. He had researched on every single supernatural creature, and I couldn't be more thankful for that. If it wasn't for him I don't think I would have ever found out what I was or what I was able to do.

"Mason!" I yelled across the school hall, calling out for his attention, as I ran towards him. "Hey!"

"Hey, what's up?"

I shook my head, dismissingly. "Not much, you?" The boy shrugged.

"I guess the same as you. I mean the last days have been hard, with all the Ghost Riders thing going on." I nodded.

"Yeah... So ah" I started, changing the subject of our conversation. "You did some research on Kitsunes, right?"

"Yeah, I mean I wanted to know more about Kira, yeah."

"Ok so, what do you think is as powerful as one's power?" I asked him, hoping he wouldn't question me.

"As a Kitsune's power?"

I nodded. "Like, what could possibly undo something they did?"

"Theoretically, electricity." He answered. "But you know, one's power comes from inside and that is a lot of power so I'm not sure electricity would actually do something- Wait, Is that to try to bring Theo back?"

I sighed and looked away, not wanting to hear what I already knew he was going to say. "Yes." I murmured.

"I can't believe you're still on that! He's mean, Skirt! Jesus, mean isn't even enough, Theo's evil and just want everything to be in his favor, he wants everything to be the way he wants." He lectured me.

"Doesn't everyone?"

"Remember what he did Scott, to your uncle, to Corey to Hayden!"

"Everyone makes mistakes, Mason." I fought back. "Ok I know some of the stuff he did were foolish and wrong, but if you think about it if it wasn't for him your boyfriend would be dead." Mason shook his head. "It's true! The Dread Doctors killed Corey, remember? The only thing Theo did was bring him back. And that's exactly what I am going to do with him."

"He killed Scott." The boy insisted. "I know you like him, but seriously Skirt."

I bit my lip and used the one line I knew would shut him up. "If Corey died and you had a chance to bring him back, wouldn't you do it?"

I thanked Mason after that and left, wondering how I would get such an intense amount of energy to convert in electricity, in those tunnels. I knew the job wasn't going to be easy, but again, I was not going to give up.

I should have been in class, but I knew I wouldn't concentrate. My mind was running wild and all I could think about was either Stiles or Theo, and how I could be one step closer of bringing one of them back. I decided on having a walk and left the building, heading to the school's park.

The sun was shining and the day felt good, if it wasn't for what hunted Beacon Hills I would say we were in Wonderland. Theo would probably laugh at the reference and say I loved he made it in first place.

I exhaled the air in my lungs and looked around, wondering what direction I should go to, when I spotted a blue old jeep being towed. Feeling anxious about the sight I walked towards it.

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