Chapter 4
"Zayn? Honey are you okay?"
Have you ever wandered if you just imagine the impossible of your life?
My parents were alive showing me the paths, which wasn't real.
I woke up from a pounding headache, where I was in my bedroom.
"Thank heavens!" Aunt Mari was beside my bed. "Your friend helped you, he said you were skating and you fell and fainted" Aunt Mari was a worried women just for me, the troubles she has to go to. I looked around my room, what friend? Who helped me?
"I'm fine, am going to take a breather" I stood up and with the same pounding headache, what happened??
I went to my roof, my favorite place to watch the stars and horizons. I had a pack, digged it out and smoked it out. The headache instantly went away, All I saw was pine trees and mountain ranges, the stars, when suddenly I heard rustling in bushes or of a tree.
I saw where the noise was coming from,
It was an owl, but it was taller, a wolve? Way taller!I started assuming it was a person, I stood up slowly trying to get a good escape plan to run. But all I felt was a harsh wind taking my breath away and with arms that held me still and covered my mouth.
My eyes was still watching the moonlight, someone was behind me and some reason was scared to turn.
"Zayn Malik, is it?"
His hand was bigger then my face, which he had only four fingers covering my mouth. And a pinky underneath my chin.
I nodded slowly, "your sorry little ass would be beaten if it weren't for me" he laughed.
I was ready to yell.
He left. I fell on the paneling of the roof realizing, my ear was growing aching with pain, I grabbed it and the pain grew worst and yells of pain turned into cries.
I touched behind my ear, I felt nothing on my skin but then realized that every time I touched, no blood was on my hand, I was losing my mind, I went down the roof, ran into my bedrooms bathroom, looked in the mirror.
It was a small imprint,
I looked at the mirror, nothing.
"Aunt Mari, my ear has been hurting me can you see what's wrong with it?"
She yanked my ear so I can get close to her "where?" "Just behind it"
"I see nothing, nor feel anything. Zayn stop faking, you need to go to school"
I went upstairs, I know she will give me 20 minute talk about how school is important....I am not looking forward to it.
I looked again, now it was in dark black ink, if you just felt it, it would feel like it's carved with my own skin. I went to shower, changed into my vans black long sleeve and some black skinny jeans with my tan boots. I was looking at my ear, why didn't my aunt see it?
I ran downstairs asking about my ear. Again with no agreeing.
I was scared the whole school day. I was zoning out most of the classes, being called to be stayed afterwards to be lectured on what to do in class.
"Niall can you do me a favor?"
He turned towards me as we headed towards my car, yes we carpool, "sure, is it serious? If it is then am skipping it"
"No it's not, can he look behind my ear and feel it?" I scared if he might laugh, then I might explain, I wouldn't care because he was all I had, well also my aunt. "Zayn, did you get a tattoo? It feels weird too." "Niall can you see it"
"I mean yeah, I have weird writing with numbers behind my ear also."
{ am sorry it is late, I have had a busy week, yes school. But anyways, I hope you enjoy please comment and vote...don't be scared I would love advice from you guys} -Jay