3 months later. Everything was good with Beri , Robbie&Cat and Jade&Andre. But one day...(something will happen to our happy couple.... Beri.)
Tuesday evening At Beck's place:
Beck's mom(knocks on a door) Beck... can i come in?
Beck: yeah come in.
Beck's mom: listen i want to talk to you...
Beck:sure let's talk.
Beck's mom: you know...(worry) we have to move to Canada.
Beck: WHAT?! B-but?! I and Tori.....
Beck's mom: I know Becky i know how you love each other but.... we have to. I am sorry
Beck: when we're moving?(sad face)
Beck's mom: Thursday
Beck: and you tell me only Now?!
Beck's mom: sorry (and went off)
Beck:(one singe tear fell down his cheek) T-tori....
Next day at school.
Beck tried to avoid Tori all day at school
Tori's POV: i don't understand what's going on with Beck? he avoid me all day...
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I don't what's going on... P.S Beck why are you avoiding me?! Mood: confused :(
Tori saw Beck standing near a coffee machine.
Tori: Beck?
Beck: Tori(fake smile)
Tori: how're you?... and why are you avoiding me all the day?!
Beck: i - i just...
Tori: you can tell me (soft sad face)
Beck: le's go to the back yard of school(his voice frowned and grabbed Tori's hand and went to the back yard)
Back Yard
Beck: Tori...
Tori: sooo... (she suprised when saw this...) (Single tear fell down his cheek) Beck... (put her hands on his cheeks) What is going on with you?(softly asked)
Beck: T-Tori(began to cry)
Tori: B-Beck ...(worried)
Beck: i-i 'll e-explain ..... I move to Canada.
Tori:(her jaw dropped) W-what?!(tears in her eyes)
Beck: Tori .... don't cry please.....(take her for a cheeks)
Tori: B-but?! You promised that you'll never leave me...... (crys hardly)
Beck: I know..(hugs her)
Tori:(hugs back)(And they cried in each other's arms.)
Beck:(pulls away put his arms on her cheeks again) I have to move.
Tori: b-but?! I love YOU!
Beck: i love you so much .... b-but?!
Beck and Tori love story
Novela JuvenilThis story about the charecters of Victorious ,Beck and Tori PS: They have a crush on a each other Anyways it's story about Bori (pairing name) Enjoy