My Short Story

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-40℃ I was having a fine afternoon, drinking my favourite juice the local villagers made, when all of the sudden I received an anonymous tip from some random person that the soldiers I had sent to collect a ransom from a young woman, had been slaughtered in the street. So, I dismissed the extremely frightened lady and went on my way to find the murdering street filth. The bodies were exactly where she said they would be which was good. I'd had people pull my leg before and let's say they didn't make it through the rest of the day. I had to run a tight ship around here lest the people start believing they could do whatever they wanted. I took a deep breath in, I was not in a good mood. I had been having such a good day. Let's hope that the young lady was not found because this would not end well for her. Oh well, she should've thought of the consequences before she murdered my soldiers. I was mad, so mad I could feel the air around me getting thinner and the people were starting to stare at the frost that was starting to appear on the grass around me. I had made myself way too vulnerable appearing out in the open like this. How could I have been so reckless? I told myself to get my act together I could not let myself be taken off guard. Lucky for me, unlucky for her I caught a trace of her scent on the bodies and tracked it to a nearby ally. There was a large gray dumpster rusted on the outside, and flies were swarming around it. I flung the lid open and inside sat a shivering girl, sobbing loudly, if I had happened to walk by this ally I would've heard her I wouldn't have needed to track her scent. I pulled her out of the trash can and made her stand on her feet, and when I was sure she was balanced I let go. At which point she fell to the ground in a blob of extremely wimpy human body parts. I could barely control my eyes, I could feel them starting to roll at which point I said,"Why on earth are you crying, your overwhelming emotion is literally making me gag."

She lifted her head slightly, wiped her nose and whispered so quietly even with my hearing I could hardly hear, "I killed someone."

"Yeah well that's your fault why on earth did you do it?" did she think she was fooling anyone with this damsel in distress act?

"My mother was murdered by the people of wealth two months ago, and what did you do? Nothing!" her voice was rising considerably as she continued,"And what did you do to subdue the people, NOTHING, you let me and my younger sister starve and instead of helping us you continued to tax us! I have a growing child that is now my responsibility to keep safe, and fed. So, yes I murdered your soldiers, you can cry to me if you want, you can do whatever you want with me but you ARE going to take care of my sister or the next person found with a slit throat will be you!"

"Although I appreciate the offer of ruining my throat I would much rather bring you back to my castle and punish you. As for you sister- what's her name?"


"Eloise, she will be taken care of according to how well you will corporate with me. Should you choose to be feisty and hard to handle, you will find that you don't have a mother OR a sister. Am I understood?"

"Loud and clear," she said as she made a rather vulgar gesture towards me.

"Am I receiving those kind of gestures, from a street rat?'

"You'll find street rats are the most vulgar of them all," she sneered and stuck her tongue out. Maybe today was a good day after all, I hadn't had this much fun in quite some time. I could feel something tugging at my mouth, as I dragged her to the palace dungeons. -39℃

When I got back to the castle I shoved her into the cell at which point she turned around, flashed me a smirk, and plopped onto the ground. I turned to leave when she spoke again, "So what happens now?"

"Now, you sit here and muddle over what terrible things you've done, and try not to make me mad unless you want to end up like the soldiers you killed. And believe me I will make it far longer and far more painful."

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