Chapter 18

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"If justice is denied, let the law of karma take the ride. Nothing in this world is done without a price."



I was pacing around the apartment, chewing on the inside of my cheek. We had basically created the perfect plan to get Alison behind bars and Ezra custody of his daughter...although I wasn't really sure how perfect the Marley plan would work since he wasn't really her biological father, but we would deal with that when that came up later. Ezra was jotting down the key aspects of the plan on a yellow pad of paper. He had that crazed, reporter look in his eyes and I had to stifle a giggle. He looked up at me and smiled sheepishly.

"Am I getting too into this plan..?" I shook my head, sitting down next to him.

"Not at all, I find it quite sexy, actually," I bit my lip, smiling as he leaned forward to kiss me. I leaned into the kiss for a few, short seconds before I pulled away.

"We have to focus, Ezra, this is important. I think we should call the cops..."

"Right now?" he breathed, eyes widening. I nodded and he agreed, nodding back at me.

I crossed the room and brought the landline phone with me. I dialed 911 as my thumb hovered over the 'send' button. Why was I nervous? Alison deserved this...she deserved this fate. Marley, however, did not. She was just a baby. But she would be okay, Ezra would get custody of her...and I would be like a mother to her...but was I ready for that task? That job? That responsibility. I swallowed hard and stared blankly at the phone. Ezra's arms wrapped around me and he leaned close to my ear.

"It's okay, Ar. This is the right thing to do. We're doing the right thing. I promise, you." I looked him in the eyes and saw that he was smiling genuinely at me. "You're not a bad person, Aria." His thumb pressed my thumb onto the 'send' button and it began to ring. He wrapped his hand around my hand that was holding the phone and brought them both to my ear.

"Rosewood Police Department, what's your emergency?"

"Hi, yes, um, I'd like to make sure that my identification remains anonymous?" I swallowed hard again as I waited a tenth of a second for the response.

"Ma'am, are you in any danger at the moment?"

"No, but there is someone who is a danger to the city...her name is Alison Dilaurentis. She attempted to kill my-my boyfriend's friend's cousin by bribing someone to crash their car into him seven years ago." There was a brief pause before the woman spoke up again.

"Are you positive she was in an assisted hit-and-run?"

"Yes. My boyfriend's friend's cousin's name is Ezra Fitz. He used to live in Rosewood, he moved away, and now he's back. Alison Dilaurentis almost murdered him and I won't feel safe in this city until she's behind bars!"

"Do you have an address for Miss Dilaurentis?"


I heard the masculine voices coming from the front room so I stepped out from the kitchen. Marley was holding onto Alison's leg as Alison stared wide-eyed at the police officers in front of her.

"Are you Alison Dilaurentis-Fitz?" I could hear them ask.

"Y-yah, I am. What do you need, Officers?" she was frozen in place. I walked towards them and placed my arm around Alison's shoulder, turning half of my mouth up in an attempt to grin.

"Good evening, officers. We were just about to sit down for-" they cut me off abruptly, answering Alison's question.

"We have reason to believe that you assisted a hit-and-run car crash from about seven years ago. Please turn around and put your hands behind your back. We have some questions to ask you back at the station."

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