Never Ending

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Dave moved carefully around clearly scared and then banging continued. He slammed the door and made his way upstairs. I tried to hear what was going on and I couldn't really.

My palms were sweating and I hesitated to answer the door.

"It's the police, we know you're in there."

What the fuck?! The police?! How did they even find where I was? This is so out of the way from everything.

I opened the door and tried to act as calm as possible. I got this, I'm just going to act like I did nothing wrong.

"Hi, can I help you?" I said as I opened the door as calmly as possible. "Sorry I was watching TV upstairs and I didn't hear the door."

"It's fine... sir, we got a call about a kidnapping. We need to look around to check for the girl."

"Do you have a warrant?"

"Yes sir, we have one." He said flashing the search warrant.

I was kind of freaking out but not really because the room I have Lexie in is in the basement but you have to lift up one of the tiles in the kitchen to get to the stairs and then to get down there. It's very well hidden because I've been planning this. They could hear her but they won't because she has the tape over her mouth.

The group of police men went upstairs in all the of the rooms and I followed. Then they continued downstairs in the kitchen. Walking all over the tiles, I knew they would never realize it.

"Sorry for the inconvenience. Everything looks clear here."

I smiled behind their backs as they walked out of the door.

My plans is all worked out now.

I see the cops walking out and I'm just like what the fuck. I don't see my girl.

They walked over to my car and fumes were coming out of my head.

"Mr. Songz, I think you have the wrong guy. There was no body else in there we searched the whole house."

"No no no. I know she's in there. I followed him here and everything. Thats her ex boyfriend, I met him and talked to him and he said he was mad that she was dating me now. This man used to abuse my girl, and I followed him here to get her back."

I handed over the picture that got sent to my house of Lex all tied up, so that they had some proof.

Their faces looked shocked.

"Listen sir, we looked through that entire house. It was so quiet there was no one else in there. Maybe he knew you were following him so he went to this house and not the place he is hiding her at. We will definitely file a missing persons report and follow this guy wherever he goes. That's all we can do for now."

I just shook my head because the cops were walking away when I know she's in there. They said they will keep investigating but I just doubt it.

I have to take matters into my own hands now...

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