Chapter 2

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*Zayn's PoV*

Jamie's necklace was actually really nice. It was a deep blue stone, that hung by itself. No fancy design or anything. It kind of was shaped like a curved heart. Louis seems to really be taking a liking to Jamie. He's been a really good friend to her through this whole thing. I mean, Liam and I have been there for her too, but Louis is more of the 'best friend' type. Not that I minded. As long as he didn't fall in love with her too, I was fine. We had enough of that drama.

For a while, we all celebrated the curing of Harry. We drank, we sang, and it was surprising that Harry didn't wake up through all of it. After all this time, I never would've pegged Harry to be a heavy sleeper. I think he was just really exausted, is all. I didn't blame him. If I were just minuets away from death to be cured from it, I'd be tired too.

"Alright, so check this out." Jamie started. She'd been telling us stories about her and her 'Directioner' friends, all the experiences they'd had. "So, there we are sitting in Mall Jail because Vicki tried to steal a six pack of rubber bracelets from Hot Topic. She'd never stolen anything in her life, but she had just used up her money on a Tshirt. She figured that she HAD to have these One Direction bracelets. Now, since Hot topic doesn't have any cameras, she thought she would be able to dis-" We heard Harry's footsteps in the ajoining room's doorway, and Jamie stopped her story. 

"How you feeling?" I asked Harry. He scratched his head before he answered.

"Almost normal." He smiled a little. "Could use a bag, though." I went to the cooler, and tossed him a bloodbag. Harry opened the cap, and sipped the cold, red, liquid. "That's better." He said to himself.

"It's good to have you back, man." Louis said, smiling widely.

"It's good to be back." Harry replied. His eyes looked to Jamie, and he smiled a little showing his dimples as he slowly stepped to her. "Thank you, Jamie."

"F-For what?" She stammered.

"You know what. I'd be dead if not for-"

"We've already been through that." Louis interupted with a chuckle. Jamie rolled her eyes and smiled. I put my feet up on the table, and spread my arms on the back of the couch. Niall seemed to stay quiet through the whole endeavor. It worried me a little.

"Harry," Jamie started. "I want to show you something." Harry nodded, and the two of them left the room. The door closed behind them and I looked to Niall.

"Okay, what gives?" I asked him.

"What?" Niall said, trying to play dumb.

"Something's up. You've been quiet all night." I replied.

"Nothing's up. I'm fine."

"Worlds biggest lie." Niall narrowed his eyes, and I saw the muscles in his jaw twitch a little.

"Fine. I don't like the way she looks at him. That sparkle she gets." Niall snapped a little.

"Niall, you're being crazy. She loves you." Liam stated with compassion.

"I know she does. But she also loves him."

*Jamie's PoV*

I led Harry to the roof of the Hotel. The night air nipped at my nose a little, but I didn't care. I sat down on the edge of the building, my feet dangling over the edge. Harry sat down next to me. We could see the whole town from up here. The bright lights of the city, some of them moving with the cars that they belonged to. Some, staying completly still, as did the buildings.

"This is a really nice view." Harry said, smiling a little. I loved his face when he smiled. The way his dimpled face lit up, and the corners of his slightly pink lips curved upward. The way his eyes crinkled a little and his jaw became even more defined.

"Yeah, it really is." I agreed, looking out at the twinkling lights below us. I didn't want to do this, ruin a moment, but I knew I had to. "I um..I heard you talking to Katerina, earlier." Harry's smile faded.

"Y-You did?"

"Yeah I, I did."

"Look, whatever it is that you heard-"

"Don't. Please, don't. I don't know what is going on in your head, and in your heart. But I'll be damned if I'm going to be played." I said sternly.

"I could say the very same, love." He looked out at the city below.

"I know, Harry. That's why we need to figure this out." I replied.

"Theres nothing to figure out, Jamie. I'm in love with you. I still have feelings for Katerina, but I love you." Harry said, taking my hand. "But I need to know. Do you love me?"

"Of course I do, Harry." I said, my expression softening.

"Are you in love with me?" I looked down at my shoes dangling over the edge of the tall building. It was crazy for me to think that last month, if I was up here, I would've taken that one step shortcut to the lobby. So much has happened in these past few weeks. So many jumbled emotions, so many feelings. So much pain and suffering, so much love and lust. But there was only one word that I could think of for an answer.


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