Intro to Briley Hunter

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When people look at you they don't think about your grandma having cancer, or your parents getting divorced, they don't think about the fact that you've been in and out of foster care for the past twelve-years of your life because you parents chose drugs over you. The people that judge don't know that a 4.0 GPA comes naturally to me or that my biggest fear is to die unloved in a foster home. They don't know you and they most definitely don't know me, Briley. All they see is a poor girl whose parents didn't love her, a girl who can't afford the new in-style apparel, and a girl who is shy, broken, and weird.

"Briley? Breakfast is ready." Irelan said poking her head through the door only to see me on my queen size bed staring up at the ceiling fan not wanting to meet her gaze.

She thinks that we'll have that amazing mother - daughter relationship. The one where we'll instantly become close and i'll tell her all my secrets and she'll do my nails and hair, She'll show me all she knows about make-up and gossip about the new teenage heartthrob. She's wrong.

Ireland has all boys, Preston (16), Aaryan (14), and Taze (6). She really wanted a girl but unfortunately her husband passed away and when she came out of her shell again all her boys were older so bringing a baby into the house was not an option hence why i'm here.

I know better then to get attached, they want you to trust them and when you do they'll send you right back. You were never really part of their family anyway. There are rules I like to follow and the biggest one is don't let your guard down and trust nobody. That's when bad things happen.

"Ok" I simply said in response.

I don't want to get out of my bed, and I don't want to go downstairs and pretend to be interested in the small talk around the table.

"So.. How did you sleep Bry?" Preston asked with a smirk.

"My name, is Briley. And I slept fine." I sharply replied.

"There's no need to get snappy. I just wanted to talk."

"Well I don't want to talk to you."

"Do you want to play outside with me today? We can play soccer or basketball or anything you want. Preston and Aaryan never want to play with me. They said I'm too little to do anything fun." Taze said

"I would love to play outside with you." I don't know what it is about the sweet little boy that made me trust him but something about his childlike innocence where everyone was the same and perfect made me trust him and want to protect him so he could have that innocence for as long as possible. 

Sorry that chapter was so short the actual chapters will be longer. Please comment and let me know 

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