Summer Recruitment

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When we settled down and started eating we began catching up on what everyone has been doing. The first thing my mom had mentioned was that Nathaniel and I were dating. My uncle practically drowned as he was drinking some water at the time, while my aunt gasped loudly. When did this happen? How old is he? Are we going to meet him? my aunt exclaimed. I shot a glare at my mom, knowing full well she mentioned my change in status as a way to get back for Nathaniel and I falling asleep the other night.

  Weve only been dating for four months I began, but was cut off by my mother and aunts grunts of surprise. You told me you started dating two months ago! my mother questioned.

 That doesnt always mean I started dating him at that specific time. I replied. My aunt clapped with joy and asked, So? When are we going to meet him?

 I forced a grin while I was mentally freaking out. I don't even know if this relationship is going to last, not at the rate we are going. Hes not as distant anymore, but now with this new information from Brooks we are back at square one. But I do have to admit, knowing it is a living person after me instead of a ghost of the man I killed did make me feel a little better.

  I dont know, Ill have to ask him what his schedule is for the week. I murmured, pushing around the noodles on my plate. My aunt frowned, What does he do for a living?

  I was dreading this question. I hadnt prepared myself enough to come up with a story, or even how to explain to my parents about how I really met Nathaniel. Well, he works part time at the police station with one of the detectives. Hes trying to find another job or even try going full time.

 My aunt nodded in approval as she chewed her noodles slowly. Speaking of jobs, she went on. What are you going to go to college for?

   My mom sighed as she answered for me. She doesnt know yet.

I rolled my eyes. Though I know exactly what my parents want me to go into.

   My dad smiled as he commented, I can picture her as a detective, just like her old man.

 I laughed. But dad youre not a detective!

    He pointed his fork at me with a grin on his face. I was a detective. But not anymore.

 Mom chuckled as she implied, Actually dear, I see her as a nurse, or even an EMT.

    I groaned and put my face in my hands. Thats all stuff you guys want me to do.

  My aunt patted my back in sympathy. Well, whatever you pick I hope it makes you happy.

  I smiled, she knew exactly how controlling my parents could be so she always supported me whenever she could. Which reminds me. she started. She set her fork down and wiped her face before she turned to me. I came here to ask you a favor.

  I raised an eyebrow at her. A favor? What kind of favor?

 She smiled, knowing she caught my attention. Well, a couple years ago Darrell and I were thinking about expanding the camp. So we looked around for some open land and found this old camping grounds a half an hour from you guys! The owner gave us a good price and we are going to buy it!

  My family clapped with joy. Thats awesome Aunt Heather! I exclaimed, giving her a congratulatory hug. She smiled, her cheeks becoming slightly pink. It was her dream of expanding her camp to other states or even countries. It was her way of trying to get kids to come out of their rooms and away from games, get exercise and have fun outdoors.

 But wait I havent finished. she said, quieting our cheers. I wanted to ask Natalie if she could be a camp counselor over the summer.

   My eyes widened and my mom squealed with joy. That would be wonderful! Natalie has plenty of free time now that its summer, and she could use some more fresh air. At this she winked at me, causing me to roll my eyes. It sounds fun Aunt Heather. When do I start?

  She rummaged through her purse before she pulled out a few papers, one was a calendar of events. Well nothing really starts till the end of this month because we need to make some renovations and remodel some of the old cabins, but while everyone is doing that you can help me find more recruits and even help with finding a camp manager for when I have to go back to Massachusetts.

  I nodded as I started to look through all the paperwork. I even found a sheet that had to deal with payments and direct deposit. Wait, youre going to pay me?

  She frowned and nodded, as if that was the intention all along. Well of course I would pay you.

  But I scanned the paperwork again, feeling guilty. I didnt want her to have to pay me. She is going to spend so much money on remodeling anyways, she needed as much money as she could. As if seeing my hesitation, she put her hand on my shoulder and explained, Youre going to be working, especially with kids who might be stubborn and a little bit annoying. I think its only fair if I pay you.

   I thought for a moment, looking to my parents for support. My mother smiled and commented, Its only for the summer Nat, and you need a job anyways.

 My father nodded in agreement. I knew they were right, and this might be the only chance I get to hang out with my Aunt before she has to move back to Massachusetts. I sighed and said, Okay, Ill do it.

 My aunt clapped in approval before she began going through the paperwork with me. I had to admit I was excited to finally have a job. I knew I couldnt rely on babysitting anymore, so a change of scenery might be good for me. Now all I have to deal with is bugs and even more annoying kids. I smiled at that thought. I couldnt wait to start working.

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