Walk into a new life

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Okay so here is the next chapter. Don’t forget that this is a short story so it might be a little rushed.

Tell me what you think, please.

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Love, D.




“You don’t know?” he asked irritated.


When I didn’t answer him he got up rather quickly looking mad

“doesn’t you wolf scream at you right now, just like mine has been since I saw you after entering the school only 15 minutes ago?”

Scared of what he could or more appropriately would do I took a step back out of fear. Which earned me a look of pure hurt from Jakeson.

“Emily,” he took a step closer to me which only resulted in me taken another step backwards “ what does you wolf tell you when I touch you?” he asked me with a nervous sigh.

I couldn’t answer so I just shook my head taking even more steps back. Well that was until my back was against a tree.

Before I looked back at Jakeson I looked around searching for a quick escape route. He seemed to have noticed this so he trapped me between the tree and him.

He grew aggravated and asked me again. But this time harshly,

“What does your wolf tell you when we touch?”

And again I couldn’t find the right words to say. Which got him so mad he started yelling

“What do you feel, Emily?”

But this time I got mad, too. Every time when somebody yells at me I get scared. But him yelling at me made me mad. Made me want to put him in his place.

So with all the strength I could muster I pushed him away from me and started yelling

“how the hell should I know what my wolf feels. Because I can’t. Wanna know why? Because of you and that stupid ruthless pack of yours. For years before my shift you treat me like crap. Harassed me. Beat me. And when it was finally time for my first shift, nobody was there. So since you are the Alpha soon, you should know what it means right. RIGHT?” I screamed at him.

He was so shocked at my sudden outburst blinking like a mad man.

“W- We- we did th- tha- that to you?” he asked chocking on his own words.

“Yes, “ I spat at him “You and your posse. You did all that. You destroyed not only me and my soul. You also destroyed my wolf.”

I whispered the last sentence.

When Jakeson was about to reach out to me again, I slapped away his hand and ran away from him. Away from that scene in the woods. Away from the punishment that was to come since I yelled at the Alphas son.

I ran home, if you could even call it that and went to my room.

When I locked the door, I laid down on my bed and within a matter of seconds I was out like a light…




<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<After her nap>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I awoke startled because someone was banging at my door harshly.

“Get out here now you worthless peace of trash. Urghh why did I have to get pregnant with you, you stupid bitch.” my mother yelled.

This brought tears to my eyes. But I blinked them furiously.

I got up and opened my door to walk downstairs. When I got there I got a little uneasy because sitting there was my mom, my dad, my brothers Keith and Jonah and my little sister Amy. Along with the Alpha, the Luna and their kids Mike and of course Jakeson.

“Sit. Down. now.” the Alpha said with so much venom in his voice I flinched so badly my back gave a little crack.

After I sat down I was sitting across Jakeson and he looked at me what you could describe with pure adoration.

“We heard that you ditched school today, “the Alpha told everyone “ So tonight we will have a pack meeting with to decide your future in this Pack. But I doubt anybody would want to have you here. If I were you I would start packing.” he finished with a cruel smirk on his face.

I was so shocked that I didn’t see Jakeson start to shake, or how Keith began to laugh at me. Jonah just sat there gob smacked.

I nodded my head and left to go to my room and start packing.

A couple of minutes later I heard the door downstairs close and the voices of my family and the Alpha family got quieter.

But I spun around shocked when I heard a throat was being cleared behind me, revealing my brother Jonah.

“Look Em, I know I haven’t been the best brother to you, but what they’re about to do is just wrong. I want you to run away right now because I have a bad feeling about tonight and I want you to live.”

He stated quietly. I didn’t know what to say but nodded. Jonah came over and helped me pack all I had. We were done after only 20 minutes.

When I was walking outside towards the woods Jonah was yelling after me. I turned around and he pulled me into a hug whispering so lowly I could barely understand him

“I will miss you very much. There is something I put into you bag. I want you to read it and then you will know why you were treated like this.”

I looked at him and giving him a small smile and turned my back to him.






I kept walking until I got to the border where I stopped dead in my tracks. Jakeson was there. Immediately I became scared.

“I won’t hurt you. I never will again. I swear. You are my everything.”

Before I could object his lips were on mine. I was about to push him away I herad a voice I haven’t heard in years

“mate” my wolf whispered.

I looked at Jakeson shocked “You’re my Mate. This is what you meant this morning didn’t you?” I asked him with a small smile.

“Yes it is. And now let’s go leave this place.” he said while grabbing my hand.

“What do you mean? you can’t leave here. Your life is here. You family. You frien-” I was cut of by him kissing me again. But this time I just kissed him back shyly which had Jakeson grinning against my lips.

“No. this is were you are wrong. You are the most important thing to me now. Where you go I will go.” I stared at him a smile playing on my face.

I took his hand and together we stepped out of the pack territory. But right before we left it Jakeson turned to me saying with so much honesty in his voice I knew he was forgiven already.

“we will start a new pack of our own. And they will treat you with the respect you deserve. And I will make up all the wrong I did to you.”

With a happy sigh we finally left the Pack territory and started our way into our new but no so very clear future. Neither of us turning back.

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