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Deacon updated his status:
I turned on the tv and guess who I found

Deacon updated his status: I turned on the tv and guess who I found

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MacCready and 74 others liked this

Comments 🔽

MacCready: How??

Father: Where was the news at when the institute got blown up into pieces??!

Shaun: They're fake news!!

Sole Survivor: ^^ Donald Trump in the making.

Preston Garvey: Minutemen were civilian colonists who independently organized to form well-prepared militia companies self-trained in weaponry, tactics, and military strategies from the American colonial partisan militia during the American Revolutionary War. ... The minutemen were among the first to fight in the American Revolution.


Paladin Danse: Honestly Preston who gives a fuck?

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Paladin Danse: Honestly Preston who gives a fuck?

Nick Valentine :

Deacon, Nick Valentine and 210 others liked this

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Deacon, Nick Valentine and 210 others liked this

Deacon: Ayeeeee its the whole squad

Paladin Danse liked this

X6-88: I would never consider you nuisances as a friend.

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