Chapter 1- You are Now Arriving at Mount Olympus

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The morning sunshine pierced through my dreams. Why can I ever just sleep in? Just once I'd like to know what it is like! Rolling out of bed I looked in the small mirror on the wall opposite the bed. My hair was a Mess. Despite every cosmetic spell I had tried to put on it my curls were still insane and out of control. I looked then at my face. My brown skin had darkened slightly from the days in direct sunlight, giving me a sort of glow. The freckles dotting the bridge of my nose also had somewhat of a sparkle. Being a fire witch did have perks. Unfortunately, the good things to say ended there. The designer bags under my eyes had darkened considerably from the lack of restful sleep and hydration and my skin looked as greasy as fried chicken.

Without my makeup or skincare products, I just had to hope that washing my face quickly with a bar of soap would help. Not to say I thought I was ugly or anything. I don't think anyone is ugly it's part of my philosophy not to judge based on looks, most of the time. Sure I can still be a little shallow but no more than anyone else. There do just so happen to be a couple of choice politicians that I wouldn't hold back on.

Anyway, no matter who I was with my past couple of days I would be looking worse for wear. I put on the clothes that had been provided for me, a white academy t-shirt and a pair of black shorts, and left my room.

Making my way to where I assumed everyone would be, the dining room. Reaching my destination I found my guess to be correct. Professors Rumi and Carter were both sitting at the table eating a light breakfast and chatting.

The room was simple and but oozed wealth with light blue walls, a modern chandelier with a few wall sconces, a complex and plush rug, and an expensive looking oak table set filled with every kind of breakfast food imaginable. Gods I loved rich people. They were always so extra.Settling myself down beside Rumi I helped my self to some blueberry pancakes and bacon. Carter smiled at me.

"Good morning Miss Stephanida I see your lineage runs true." He said. With a tired look, I responded.

"Days like today I wish I was born to another family, what I would GIVE to sleep in ONCE" I claimed exasperated. Professor Carter just laughed and returned to his reading. A few more people filled in as I destroyed my pancakes. A gorgeous woman with bright blond hair fully dressed in a white sundress and heels, and wearing red lipstick bumped into a chair and apologized before sitting down and drinking what must have been an entire pot of coffee.Then came someone who I could only assume was the renowned Professor V. They had on a bright yellow robe and a matching sleeping mask pushed up on their head. V immediately stuck up a conversation with Rumi about endangered species of sharks. This is important subject matter I suppose.

A couple younger student also came down. A girl with pale skin and bright red curls and awe-inspiring curves, wearing what can only be described as a pink onesie, smiled at me before running off with a plate of blueberry muffins. Then a boy with golden eyes and shiny black hair pulled out a chair sat beside me. He was tall, muscular, and had skin about the same color as mine. He was wearing a black sweatshirt and jeans. His eyes were actually golden brown, like pirate doubloons. Probably a weird way to describe it but they had lawlessness to them.

"My name's Kay," he smiled warmly at me "allow me to welcome you to our little crew." As a socially awkward person who needs friends and attention, I was glad to be getting both."My names Stephanida Amoretto, call me Steph." I held out my hand for him to shake. He accepted my gesture and began fixing his plate.

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