S1 Finale "Exposed"

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                         Season 1 Finale


Jacob sat in a wooden chair, his feet planted firmly on the ground. His hands were chained behind the back of the chair. Also, a piece of cloth was stuffed inside his mouth. His forehead had a huge cut and blood was trickling down into his mouth.

In front of him, stood a giant metal cage. Inside of it was Amber and Tony.

"Jacob, help!" yelled Tony.

"Please, do something! Protect us!" added Amber.

The top of the cage was open, but overall the cage was too tall for them to escape.

Jacob wanted to cry, to help them. But he couldn't.

Above Amber and Tony, another cage was being lowered from a chain that was connected to some unknown source.

No one could see inside, but Jacob knew what it was. It was them. The zombies. The noises they made were unknown to both Amber and Tony but Jacob had heard too many to act like the sound was foreign.

The bottom of the lowering cage was now inside the top of the other.

Jacob frantically tried to get out of the chair, but nothing he did worked.

The bottom of the zombie cage opened up, and out fell two of the vile creatures.

"No! No! Please!" panicked Tony. "Jacob, please help!"

Amber punched one in the face, but it seemed to be a battle between rock and scissors.

The punched zombie pushed Amber forward and bit into her arm.

Amber tried to scream, but the zombie moved on to her neck. Amber was killed.

"Holy shit!" Tony was now backed into a corner.

Jacob looked into Tony's eyes, and Tony into Jacob's. Both were scared out of their minds.

Then, Tony accepted his death and waited until the zombies attacked him.

Like bees to honey, they came and toppled over Tony, eating and biting any skin that was exposed. Within minutes, both friends were dead.

Jacob started to weep. Never before had he felt so useless, confused, inept, and ashamed. He couldn't even protect two people. As he looked down, a figure walked out from the darkness.

"Couldn't do it, could ya?" said Dick as he walked towards Jacob.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to. I saw weakness in you before I saw your eye color."

Jacob looked up at Dick.

"How would you have expected to protect Sean and Angela? You couldn't. That's the thing. Can't protect other people, let alone your own flesh and blood."

Dick walked right in front of Jacob. He raised his fist and punched Jacob on the right cheek. Then, Dick ripped the cloth out of his mouth.

"Speak, you sad piece of shit, " commanded Dick.

Jacob could only breathe heavily. No words found their way out.

"SPEAK!!" yelled Dick as he kicked the chair back.

Jacob landed with a large thud and he was sure he broke his wrists.

Then, Jacob opened his mouth to speak. With all the strength he could muster, Jacob said...

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