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Emma pov

As me and phil left the room ethan gave me a look as if to ask if i was ok i shook my head yes with a larg smile and he got a big grin on his face that said an ok.I then pushed phil to dan with a big grin.I walked over to ethan pulling him to my room closing the door as jack ooooood i fliped him off as mark rolled his eyes off walking in to the room "Whats wrong?" He asked "Nothing just ok dont tell anyone please?!" "Ok spill it!" "Ok so umm phil likes dan!" "Wait really?" "yep" I smiled i was then pulled in to a hug from ethan and i huged him back.When i felt him begin to tremble "Ethan are you ok?" i asked softly I then slowley let go of ethan "What's wrong?"I asked "M-Mark" He stumbled to say his eyes were glossed over "What did he do?" "he was saying that y-you would ne-ever talk to me and never a-actually liked me w-well loved me" "Ethan i do love you so much"I said kissing his cheek He smiled blushing we walked out of my room ethan as calm as possable i grabed marks arm pulling him into my room "How dare you-" I was cut off bye mark kissing mei pushed him of me "What the hell man!" "What?You know you loved it" "What no i love ethan mark" i said (I have nothing agenst mark i love mark so pleas dont take this to offens plz) Mark then grabed me by my rists i winced in pain "Hey let me go mark" "Not untill you say you love me over ethan!" he stated geting close into my face.I then spat in his face he let go of my rists i almost got out until mark pulled me over slaping me "Mark you dont own me so stop acting like you do!"I almost screamd in his face riping my arms away from him walking out ethan looked at me i just walked outside geting into the car locking the door's and tookin two deep breaths before screaming.I was so mad i hated mark right knowi wanted to cry and never stop when there was a knoc on the window i looked over to see dan a shiver went down my spine i unlocked the door alowing him in."You ok?"He asked "Yeah im fine" i answerd softly "I know that tone of voice what is wrong?" he said puting his hand on my shoulder "I-m-nothing im just super depreased." I said softly "Why?Usualy im the one who is suposed to be depreasd"he said chuckaling wich put a smile on my face "haha thanks dan ya know i have missed these talks" "yeah same hear.Emma can i tell you somthing?" "of course dan anything!" "I kinda like phil......"Dan said quetly my eyes went wide and i did a little dance "yessssssss" i said "what?" "ok dont tell phil i said this but he likes you too!!" "w-what?" "yeah he told me erlyer!" i said to dan his eyes went huge and he begain blushing.

1 hour later at pax

I was on the first person "helo how are you?" "I-Im vary good how about you?" "Im vary good any qwestons or anything?" "I-i yeah d-do you ship themma?" she/he asked my eyes went huge "W-well kinda.." i said her eyes go larg as i lauphed and after that all i got was questons about themma

2 hours later(end of pax)

as i met the last person i was pulled into a hug and kiss from ethan i smiled kissing back and when he pulled away he smiled "i love you" he said quetly "love you to" i wisperd in his ear "fuck emma"he said quetly i began to giggle huging him tightly then i let go "i have to talk to one more person so i will meet you in the back"I wisperd in his ear when we pulled awy his face was as red as a firetruck i then laughed as i saw he had a 'problum'"hi"i said to the last person


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