The twins.

19 1 11

It's Nine months later.

Devin and Mabel are asleep in their bed.

Mabel: she wakes up because she felt her water brake and she shakes Devin to wake up. "DEVI WAKE UP IMMA GIVE BIRTH!"

Devin sits up "B-BUT YOUR NOT DUE UNTIL LIKE A WEEK" he gets up and puts on a shirt and he picks her up and runs to the car and he puts her in the backseat, he gets into the car and speeds to tha hospital.

Mabel: she does those Breathing things that pregnant people do and she holds Devins hand.

~they are now at the hospital~

Devin sits in the waiting room with ally, Austin, zero, and he is very impatient.

Ally: "Calm down Devin I'm pretty sure that she's ok?" She looks at him and smiles a bit.

Zero: "Devin calm your Dick I mean like I can't say calm your tits because you don't have any soooo..." she starts to laugh a little.

Ally: "Zero shut it" she looks at her a little pissed off.

Austin: "Girls Give your Chests a rest." He looks at them and laughs

Ally: she slaps Austin and sits next to Devin "like I said shes ok I promise."

The Doctor: "Is Mr. Silva here?"

"IM HERE" he jumps up and walks to the Doctor.

The Doctor: "Your wife or girlfriend is done Giving Birth and you now have twins." He takes Devin to Mabel.

Mabel: she's holding the twins and feeding them, she smiles a bit and looks at Devin "Devi your now a Dad"

He walks to her and smiles and he kisses her forehead "Yay" he looks at her "are you ok my love?"

Mabel: "I'm ok" she looks at him and kisses him softly.

He kisses back and slowly pulls away "that's good"

Mabel: "what are we gonna name them?" She looks at him and gives him the girl.

He holds the girl "can we name her  Evelyn?"

Mabel: "Yus and the boy shall be Ryder" she looks at Devin and smiles.

The Doctor: "Your friends wanna come in."

"Oki and let them in"

Zero: she walks in "I'M HERE BITCHES" she looks at Mabel and Devin and then the Twins "Damn Dev You must have gone hard" she starts to laugh a little

Ally: "shut up zero" she walks in and walks to Mabel "I'm happy for you" she smiles a little

Austin: he walks in "Cute I guess"

Devin looks at them and Blushes at what zero said. "really zero really" he looks at ally And gives her Evelyn.

Ally: "Awwww Devi she looks like you" she smiles and holds her

Mabel: "heh thx and yea Evelyn looks like Devi she has his eyes and my hair colour"

zero: "The boy really looks like Devin. He has his stupidly cute eyes and hair colour and face"

Austin: "ok then".

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