the loss.

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It's about 3 months later and Devin and Mabel where at Devins house he was helping her move in with him.

Mabel: She groans a bit rubbing her stomach. "Devin I don't feel good..." she leans against the wall and slides down le wall fainting.

"SHIT"Devin takes her to the hospital and the Doctors try to help

~Time skip to the hospital~

Le Doctor: "Mr Gleeful, is your Girlfriend pregnant?" He feels her stomach trying to feel le baby.

"Yes yes she is" he looks at the Doctor panicking a bit

Le Doctor: "I don't think that baby is moving.. and that could only mean one thing. It's dead"

Devins heart sank and he looks at Mabel and then the Doctor. "O-oh..." he trys not to cry as he looks at Mabel again.

Le Doctor: He nods and sighs. "She's still unconscious so she won't feel us taking the baby out of her.. we'll be back in about an hour" He pushes Mabel to Le surgery room.

Devin sits in the waiting room and he puts his hands on his head and he starts crying a bit.

~Like a hour later~

Mabel: she was up in the recovery room. "Hmm... I am sore ._." She sits up and rubs her head. "Hmm.. so sore.."

Devin was next to her sitting down holding her hand "....."

Mabel: She looks at Devin and blinks. "D-devi.. did you have fun with me when I was unconscious..?" She looks at him.

"No..." he looks at her trying to hide that he was crying "M-mabel...t-the baby died....." he hugs her softly and starts crying more.

Mabel: "W-what? Devin your lying.." She hugs him back. "...right?" She lets him go and looks at him.

He shakes his head "I-im not lying..." he looks at her and more tears Form in his eyes.

Mabel: She looks at him and touches her stomach. She starts to shake, and she punches herself in the stomach.

"H-hey!? Are u crazy or something because You're gonna hurt yourself more if you keep doing that!" He stops her from punching herself again.

Mabel: She pushes him away. "D-don't stop me! This baby was growing inside me, and I killed it! O-of course I'm gonna hurt myself for killing our child!" She punches herself again.

"Y-you didn't kill it! M-maybe something happened...maybe god didn't want us to have this baby."

~To be continued~

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