Four: Around the fire

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Christina held a mug of coffee, listening to her uncle Dave list their activities for the day. She wasn't really excited or anything.

God, how she missed the talks she used to have with her cousins.She didn't even remember why they fought in the first place. It was a long time ago, but her stupid pride wouldn't let her apologize or make amends and she was feeling dreadful, oh, and did I mention her stupid pride. She sat herself down and rubbed her temples feeling a headache coming on.

Glancing around the room, she saw Tristan seated in the corner on a wooden chair, drinking what Christina guessed to be a latte.

Lillian was on the floor, back leaning on the couch, drinking her black coffee. She didn't seem like she had slept much, considering she took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes every two minutes.

Hermione, Christina realized as she scanned the room, wasn't present.
"So as I have said", said uncle Dave, breaking her chain of thoughts, "we'll be going climbing early tomorrow morning. But today we'll be going on a picnic and maybe if we still have time, we can still go ice skating in the indoor ring down the street, OK?" Everyone nodded their approval and people started getting up to prepare for the events. Lillian found herself with Christina, Tristan, and Hermione's little girl. Elan, maybe? No. Her name was Elaina. Yup, Elaina.

Lillian beamed, she remembered the girl's name. She doesn't look like Hermione much. Maybe the nose and the aura, but the rest is her dad I guess.

Suddenly, she noticed the awkward air around them. She muttered a quick excuse before running to the kitchen.

Which left Christina, Tristan and Elaina. Tristan walked out of the room, slowly, not wanting to be caught in an argument and made her way upstairs. Which then only left Elaina who was drawing something on a blank piece of paper and Christina who continued drinking her coffee, sitting down on the couch.

She soon got lost in thoughts, only brought out when someone said her name. "Auntie Christina." She turned around and noticed that it was Elaina was also tugging on her jacket. She had been so distracted that she hadn't noticed her walk halfway across the room. "Yes." Elaina looked shyly at her shoes, her golden tresses blocking her tiny face. Christina couldn't help but smile at her. "'re one of mom's cousins. You guys are like sisters, right?" Christina, reluctantly, nodded. "Well could you tell me stories about all of you......when you guys where younger. Mum never told me about you." She was saying it so softly that Christina didn't have the heart in her to say no. "Sure." At this Elaina beamed. She sat down on the sofa next to her and looked up expectantly.

"well....", Christina cleared her throat, trying to recall her memories and think of pleasant things to say. " Me and Your mum used to be best friends-", she was cut off by Elaina saying: " aren't you friends anymore then?" Rubbing the sweat that somehow accumulated atop her brow, she shook her head. "We are", she looked down into Elaina's eyes, so blue and shinning with hope, " but just not like how we used to be back then."

"Your mum was always the one who liked to read and had always enjoyed staying indoors." Elaina nodded. "Yeah. We have this huge library at home. Lots and lots of books. Mummy and daddy always like to spend some time in there reading. Sometimes just chatting. If they had time of course." Christina laughed. Hermione hadn't changed a lot. She still liked reading. A lot. She resumed speaking. "Well, when it was the holidays, mummy used to spend all the time with us. Me, aunt Lillian, aunt Tristan, and your mum. We used to do crazy things."

"Like what?" Christina tried remembering. "Well, time.......we pulled a prank on aunt Lillian's chemistry teacher cause she was a bully." Elaina smiled. "What happened? What did you do?" Christina motioned for the little blond to come closer. one hand cupping Elaina's ear, she whispered. "Let's just say Ms. Peggelton had rainbow hair for two weeks."

Elaina burst out laughing, her hand was clutching her stomach and her other over her mouth to contain her loud laughing sound. Christina couldn't help it either. She broke out laughing.

"Elaina!" A voice was calling. Two seconds later, Scorpios Malfoy appeared in the room. He was standing near the stairway. "Yeah scorp?" She whipped a tear that lingered as a result of the laughing fit. "Dad's calling", he gestured with his index finger up. He disappeared after getting a nod. Elaina looked back at Christina, looking a little sheepish but still happy. "Sorry aunt Christina", she got up, dusting her black knee length skirt off, "daddy's calling. Bye." She gave a tiny wave and rushed out.

Stepping into her room, Elaina sighed. Step one: done! Scorpios stepped in tow. " did it go? I heard you guys laughing so I guess it's good." Elaina nodded. "Yeah. It was good. Aunt Christina is really nice. This mission could be over fast, right?" Scorpios nodded, smiling. "Yeah. We're here for about a week and two days, right? We can get it done before this reunion thing is over."

Elaina furrowed her brows. "Mum looked really sad yesterday. I hope we can get them to make up already." Scorpios opened the door, placing his foot outside and turning. "Don't worry, Blondie. We'll do this. By the way, I wasn't lying, dad is looking for you." Elaina huffed. "Hey! Your blond too, you know!" She screamed, but he was already out by then. She leaned back on her bed, pouting and muttering something about a 'stupid scorp'. And then............she remembered. "Oh god, Dad!" Was what she screamed before dashing out. Yup. let's just hope that no one gets hexed.

A/N: It's short, yeah. But I have a headache. Okay, so today I bought my new phone. More like my first phone ever. Imagine that. First phone at sixteen? Yeah I can't believe it either! I's an iphone six. Anyway, Enjoy!

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