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So I hope you like this one please make sure you vote and comment it would mean so much to me if you would leave a comment... This story is not edited so please be kind and I'm not the greatest of the whole grammar thing so just letting you know other than that enjoy.....





Erica's P.O.V.

Today is the start of the rest of my life I turned sixteen today and today is the day that I should fine my mate I cant wait. I've waited all my life for this day to come I've listen to my father and mother talk about how wonderful it is to find your mate. I have watch them the love they share the looks they give each other I cant wait for that person to look at me like that and to feel the sparks the heat the passion.

Sometimes I hate watching the love my parents have because I hope I have half of the love they both share.  I hear the honk of a car horn and I jump off the stool and say good bye to my parents I run out the door my best friend Samantha drives me to school she's seventeen. Samantha hasn't found her mate yet but it doesn't bother her she says that she doesn't want to settle down yet.

We get to school this is the start of our Senior year I know how am I sixteen and Senior in high school well I took extra classes in the summer and winter so I can graduate early plus I totally skip the ninth grade so there you go. Anyways the start of our Senior year I'm not popular in anyway what so ever never have been and I don't really care to be.

I'm 5'4 on a good day yes I said on a good day my body is very thin I've never been anything but thin. I have always wanted a little curves but the moon goddess bless me with this thin frame. I'm not self conscious about it and I hope and plan on never being that way. I have a very nice round bottom that doesn't jiggle and looks really good in yoga pants that's my best asset he he he. 

"So are you ready for today?" Samantha asked me really excitedly. I give her my signature look which is my eyebrows crunched up together with a stank eye her words not mine. "Yes I'm ready to fine my mate today hopefully he is old enough so that we can find each other I really don't want to have to wait" I said.

"I get it" Samantha said. We get out of the car and as soon as I'm out I am hit with the smell of pine tree and mint I know weird combination but it smells like heaven. "Do you smell that oh my god its like heaven on earth."  I look at Samantha and I start following the smell it is leading me to the lower parking lot of the school most of the jocks park there cars here. I turn to look and I see Samantha is still following me thank god.

I turn back around and look out into the parking lot I'm looking left and right 'please don't be a jock please don't be a jock' I repeat that to myself several times. I close my eyes, trying to concentrate on where the smell is coming from I  take a large sniff. I smell it as clear as day I open my eyes to the direction its coming from.

I stumble backwards it's right in front of me the smell my mate oh my god my mate is Cliff Masterson. He reaches out to catch me so I don't fall his touch sends sparks up my body its the most amazing feeling in the world. I look into his eyes and say "mate". His grip tightens around my waist and the sparks are still shooting up and down my body moon godess he feels so good.

He leans in and kisses me at first it was just a soft sweet kiss then he lick my bottom lip asking for entrance to my mouth. I opened for him he tasted like mint from his toothpaste. The kiss was hot and full of passion I didn't want it to end. I lifted my arms and put my hands behind his neck squeezing him tight to me pressing my body into him as well.

I forgot anybody was around it felt like it was just the two of us holding each other touching each other. I felt a light tap on my shoulder then I heard my name being called. We pulled away breathing heavy our foreheads touching each other both of us looking into each others eyes. I didn't want to look away afraid that if I did that this wouldn't be real. I just kept looking into his eyes pleading with him to make the first move and he did.

"Hi mate". That's what he said to me but he said it with the biggest smile on his face that melted my heart into pieces. I knew right then and there we would be together forever.

Cliff's P.O.V.


I was talking to some of the guys when the most mouth watering smell hit me I turned around and that's when I saw her. She was at the staircase of the lower parking lot she was moving her head around trying to find me. I saw her close her eyes and take a deep breath I rushed over to her I wanted to see her beautiful green eyes looking at me when she opened them.

I think I freaked her out a little she almost fell over when she opened her eyes. I put my hands around her waist to catch her so she wouldn't fall. If I didn't know from her smell that she was my mate I sure did know from touching her. The sparks that I felt were like nothing I've ever felt before I didn't want to let her go. I know I should have introduced myself to her first but I couldn't help it her lips looked so plump and juicy I had to have a taste first.

I was right her lips tasted sweet like she had maple syrup this morning with her breakfast. She leaned her body into mine and I let out a little growl as she let out a soft moan. I heard someone calling her name we pulled back and were breathing heavy. I know I crossed the line by kissing her like that first I just hope she wont be mad at me.

When she just kept looking at me not saying anything I took that as a good sign. She could have slapped my but she didn't I gave her a big smile and said "Hi mate".  She wrapped her arms around me and put her face in my neck and sniffed me I thought it was really cute.


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