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I went back into the house only to have Elliot follow me not even two minutes later. "I'm sorry for all of that out there. You know I don't feel that way about you if anything I think you more of my mom that her" he said to me. Making me smile a little bit "thank you Elliot I appreciate that" I said to him.

"Alright you want to help me finish off the pies. I don't want them going to waist" I asked him. "Since when do your pies go to waist" he said with a bright smile on his face. Elliot puts some music on and I start by making whip cream to go on top of the pies.

Hotel California by The Eagles is playing in the background we start singing the song. Half way into it we here someone clear there throat. We both turn there is the girl standing there she looks to be around my age. She has fiery red hair she's really pretty "Hi I'm Isa" she says holding out her hand. I smile at her and take her hand I introduce myself to her.

Suddenly flashes of my past pop up right in front of my face. I see my mother before she died laying there in the hospital when I was ten. Then time flashed to when I was thirteen winning the science fair. I see my father and my brother before we get onto the plane.

I see Cliff pulling me out of the ocean him looking at me with such sorrow. He's carrying me towards the house he lays me down on his bed. He gets a towel and starts wiping the dirt and sand off of my face and body. Then there's another vision of me in the hospital and Cliff by my side holding my hand. There's suck love in his eyes he bends down and tells me he loves me and kisses me on the lips.

I pull my hand out of hers and just stair at her a little breathless. She must be the witch that is here to help Erica with her memory. "Hi I'm Elliot and your really beautiful" he says. I'm still in shock of what just happened its like she just saw my life but in fast forward.

"I'm sorry about that I forgot you are human it doesn't work that easy on us super naturals" she says to me. "What was that" I asked her "that my dear was your passed. If you would have held on longer you would have seen some of your future also".

 "Oh" is all I can manage to say "Can I ask you something" my dear she said to me. "Yeah sure" what was I going to say no to a witch. "Your in love with him aren't you" she asked me.  I must have blushed a little. "That's what I thought" she said in an I'm sorry kind of way. "You do know there is a chance that there bond might be re.....

I sliding door opens up an in walks Cliff followed by everyone else. "If you will excuse me I'm gonna go and clear the table off" I tell her. I start walking passed everyone when I feel someone grab my wrist. I turn and look and notice its Cliff who is holding me his thumb is rubbing circles on my hand "leave that mess outside we will get it later. You look tired why don't you go to bed if we need anything we can get it ourselves" he says to me.

I nod my head and turned around "Goodnight everyone and Isa it was a pleasure meeting you" I tell her even though I feel a little weird about our meet. "The pleasure was all mine" she replies back to me a little sad.


I watched Cam go to her room I didn't want her around all of this in case it gets uncomfortable. I asked my mother to show Isa to the living room for me. I walk quickly after Cam just as she is about to enter into her room I grab her arm. She quickly turns I put my hand behind her head and pull her lips to mine. I don't hold back in this kiss I put everything into it and so does she.

I pull back from her "I am in love with you Iris Cameron Hunter I just wanted you to know that" I say to her. I give her one last peck on the lips an turn and walk away from her not by choice that's for damn sure.

I walk into the living room and see my mother, father, Marcus, Isa and Erica there know one else. Considering Becca and Matt left when I said she should and so did Martha and Steve (her mate). Elliot and Summer were in there rooms I linked to them not to come out until I said it was ok.

"Do you need anything before we start" I asked Isa she nodded her head no. "I am ready to start if you all are" she said to us. She sat in front of Erica and placed her hands out towards her palms up. Erica placed her hands on top of Isa and they sat there looking at each other. I wasn't sure if anything was going on or not there was know movement. "I need you to clear your mind Erica" Isa said to her.

Both of them closed there eyes and the look on Isa's face. It looked like she was fighting something Isa finally opened her eyes but Erica didn't. Erica's head snap back and she slump over "She will be very tired this is a draining process she will be a sleep for the rest of the night" Isa said. I bent down to pick Erica up and take her to her room. When I touched her I felt something I held her in my arms carrying her bridal style up the stairs to her room.

I softly laid her down on the bed and pulled the covers over her and watched her sleep for a little while. I bent down and kissed her forehead there it was again. I walked out of the room closing the door softly feeling the lost of my mate already I wanted to go back in there and hold her all night long.

 I made my way downstairs to Isa and my mother talking. My mother must of sense something off about me cause she stopped talking and was by my side. "What is it son what's the matter".

"I felt the bond with her it's back".

When I looked at my mother and said those few words I heard a gasp. I didn't even need to turn around to know who's lips they came from.




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