Hi Again!!! (>w<)

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Hi guys!

Have you watched Servamp? Well, if you don't, I advice you to watch it before you must read this. It's a spoiler, after all.

Okay, I will not make this long.

Welcome all Servamp Fans and Fanatics, to my own fanfiction of Servamp.

Actually though, this was the reason why I haven't updated my some of my stories. Aside from being busy in school, I also watched some cool animes and thought of some ideas to make another fanfictions. 

I always accept requests, although I'll try my best to update.

I hope you like this, and if you're new to Servamp, please watch it. It's very great. But also try to read the manga, it's also very funny.

I'll just give you guys a cute wave by Lawless (In Hedgehog form).

I'll just give you guys a cute wave by Lawless (In Hedgehog form)

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