I will live forever for you (Eve/Subclass ReaderxLawless)

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Me: Hello everyone! Welcome to the first fanfiction of my Servamp fanfic book. The first victim is....*Drum Roll, then spotlight turns on* LAWLESS!!!

Lawless: *Got tied by chains and an handkerchief struggles to get out, but the handkerchief falls and he breathes heavily* YOU CRAZY WOMAN! GET ME OUT OF HERE! LICHT! BIG BROTHER! ANYONE?!!!

Licht: You're on your own you shit hedgehog.... *Walks out*

Lawless: How cruel! Come on, nii-san!!!

Sleepy Ash: *Scratches the back of his head* Well.... enjoy I guess.... *Walks out too*

Lawless: COME ON!!!

Me: Come on Lawless, I promise you this will be fun~

Lawless: In your dreams!

Manabe: *Appears beside Lawless* Don't worry, stay calm. I've been a victim, and I tell you, it's very embarrassing.

Lawless: *Sulks*

Me: Well, enough of this. Okay guys, same rules as always. If you like it, please vote or write a comment. If you haven't watch this anime, I advise you to watch it, even for a bit first because aside that it's a great anime, you won't understand the whole concept of it. I also used Lawless's name Licht gave him. He was called "Hyde".

But oh well.... Enjoy!!!

Oh.... By the way, I based the story on Miku Zeze's life in Twin Star Exorcists. Basically, the whole plot is in the Twin Star Exorcists series.

(Y/N)-Your Name

(L/N)-Last name

Mahiru: Author-chan, the Disclaimer!

Me: Oh right! What was I thinking?! The story and plot idea is not owned by me, as well as all of its characters. If you have more clarifications, please ask me by commenting down below.

 If you have more clarifications, please ask me by commenting down below

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After hours of sewing a stuff animal, you finally stopped, and breathe out heavily. You placed it down for a while, and looked at the tiny hedgehog sleeping and rolling on the small bed near the window. After stretching your hands a bit, you wanted to continue sewing when a knock interrupted you. At the same time, that tiny hedgehog woke up too.

"Who is it?"

"It's your uncle! And I have good news for you!"

"Get inside."

Your room was very wide, and very grand. You had a princess-like bed, curtains, chairs, and everything, since your family was actually a famous exorcist clan, and you were the first born, and that's not all. You're the only female child, so all will be inherited to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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All I need is you (Servamp Character x Reader Oneshots and Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now