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As they walked toward the classroom amid a huge crowd of students, countless thoughts rushed through Dallon's mind at once.

Why was I so awkward around him?

Why does he do that wink thing?

Why can't I compose myself?

It's probably because he has one of those larger-than-life personalities, Dallon decided to himself. Those people can be intimidating.

His eyes remained fixated on the row of lockers filing the hallway.

Walk past two, touch the third one, he reminded himself mentally.

One, two, three, touch. One, two, three, touch.

Once they reached the classroom, Dallon walked over to the third desk in the second row. After meticulously arranging his notebook, pencil case, and thermos of black coffee on the desktop, he shoved his backpack under the plastic chair.

"Hey guys! I already know most of you from last year, let's have the new students introduce themselves first." Mr. Armstrong asked, a welcoming smile spreading across his face as he uncapped a green Expo marker.

He was dressed in what the AP students referred to as his official uniform. It consisted of a long sleeved black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, tight black slacks, a bright red necktie, a studded belt, and black canvas sneakers. Heavy eyeliner coated the rims of his dull green eyes, and his matte black hair stood on end.

"Why don't you start us off?" He motioned towards Brendon, who was seated a few desks away from Dallon.

Brendon hopped to his feet and flashed a toothy smile at the class. "Hi, I'm Brendon Urie. I moved here from Los Angeles and I love music and theater."

"I'm glad you brought that up, for two reasons. One, because I'm also the band director. Two, because our activity today relates to music." Mr. Armstrong explained, as he walked up to the whiteboard.

"Before you start writing about other things, you need to know how to write about yourself. And the music you listen to can tell you more about yourself than you ever knew before." He scribbled the word "personality" on the board in huge block letters.

"I want each of you to choose a song that's important to you, or one you just like, and spend five minutes writing about it and how it relates to you." He picked up his cell phone and set a five minute timer. "Start now!"

Dallon glanced over at Brendon, who was frantically scribbling away. Suddenly, an idea formed within his mind, and he began to write.


short chapter this time, it's less than half the length of the previous one. I'm starting a Frerard fic soon, so stay tuned for that! It's going to be titled Petrichor. Thanks for reading this mess.

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