Girls Best Friend

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  • Dedicated to munchy, the best dog in the whole wide world

As I knock on the door the barking I can hear.He jumps on me like a great big teddy bear. His tail wags as I come through the door. As he playfully tries to knock me to the floor. I try to push him away as he licks my face. Then around the house we race. I sit and stroke his silky ears. He makes me forget all my fears. When were together I feel free. Like I  could jump up and touch the trees. When we sit together I feel my best. Warm happines fills my chest. All my life he has always been there. I can't imagine what it's going to be like without him near. He was my best friend but now he is gone. May he rest in peace in the world beyond.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2014 ⏰

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