Love Is.....

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Love isn't a thing that exist anymore. And no I'm not crazy, yes I am sure. You see my best friend haven't gotten out of bed in days. Cause her man slept with her sister and cheated 20 million different ways. He told her "babe I love you, always and forever." And when he went out used hanging with his "boys" as a cover. But in reality he was living a double life. Had 2 other girlfriends, a side chick and a wife. Damn, and if it wasn't for her sister he wouldn't have gotten caught. She'd let it slip one night when they fought.

Love is just something guys use to get sex. When in reality he's fucking you, her and his ex. Think I'm lying? I know this one best. My cousin thought her new men was loyal, major S on his chest. But you see just the other day he broke up with her.  Now all she does is drink and smoke weed, due to the tears her vision is blur. What could he done that was so bad, you ask? Well they dated for 3 month, but he only had one task. You see she has this 90 day rule, he had to wait to get her jewels. But after the first month he told her he loved her and she couldn't say no. I mean he took her to Paris, plays, anywhere she wanted to go. But once she gave it up he was never seen again. Left her there stranded, not even a phone to call a friend.

Love is magical, it's just girls pick the wrong guys. But there are no good ones, only bad ones with a disguise. This ones my favorite story, trust me you'll love it. It's about a girl who got a player to commit. See she wasn't pretty like other girls, but she met this guy at a bar one night and he became her world. Took all her insecurities away, and promised to stay. She was his queen in a kingdom far far away. Fast forward 4 years later and now they're engaged. He became unfaithful, she found out but he promised he'll change. 2 years later and they have a kid on the way, but he lost his job and started drinking. He yelled at her and push her down the stairs "it's not his fault, he was drunk and wasn't thinking". They lost the child and now he was even more upset. "Look what you did to my life you cow, you made me a mess." At that time he beaten her night and she was too weak to put up a fight. Now I know what you're thinking, why didn't she just leave. She tried that once before, and let's just say her goal wasn't achieved. Every week was a hospital visit, cause she tried to get away. So finally she stayed. Now she's stuck in an abusive home with no way out. Now tell me, is that what love is really about?

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