Part 4 The First Night

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They all arrived home after the tears bidding of the brides family. If one girl was sent home away it would be bearable for them as they have other girl in their home. But when both the lights of home was sent away, it would break the hearts despite how old they become.

Ragini was beyond broken still the marriage taken place, her action and her marriage everything in a day is making her hard to believe how her life changed in this day.

"Ragini. We are home", Sanskar said breaking her from her trance, as she sat in daze in the car. He opened the door for her waited for her to get out. She slowly gathered her heavy lehenga and her hearts which is in piece of heart. Sanskar held her arms supporting as he knew if he left her side she would fall in any moment. Even though his hold was not acceptable she needed a support definitely.

She came in the hallway and durga prasad had gathered every one in the living room. "Sanskar. How did you gathered your memory?", He inspected him seriously, he was having doubt since the marriage. Sanskar was in his mental state in the beginning when they got him to their house.

"Care to explain?", he asked him. Sujatha was standing on her place frozen she was gathering any of the excuse she could tell. She thought just now only everything was happening on place. Once again she won't be able to separate from her son. It was undigestable.

It took some time for Sanskar for a moment. "O. Badi papa. When Ragini locked her in the room and tried to suicide. It triggered my mind", he said partly true.

Yeah. It triggered his heart to save her. No matter how his true state of acting may open up. All he cared that time was save her.

"Anyway. Whatever happened we can't change them. And you had saved our reputation by saving Ragini. I forgave you for whatever happened.", Durga prasad said his decision as everyone face changed in the happy news.

"Thank you Bhai", Ram prasad said in happiness as he hugged his brother in anticipation.

"Okay. Please make arrangements for their first night", Annapurna said. "Correct di.", Sujatha agreed with her.

"Uttara come and help me", Sujatha said as they went to decorate the rooms. "Parinita. You come with me", Annapurna called as they was taking care of making up the bride.

"Bhai. Thanks once again", Laksh said truely as he was numb to contemplate what was happening in Ragini suicide case. "No worry Laksh", Sanskar told easing him.

"Anyways I'm happy for your memory back and your marriage", he said as he winked at him.

"Lucky", he shouted, why everyone was doing this? They didn't had a normal marriage so they could have their first night.

"Bhai. Have fun", Laksh complented him as they were asked to go their perspective rooms.

My life is fun now
Bull shit.

"Go and change your dress",he commented her as he saw her sitting in the same place. "No need to fake your concern Sanskar", she said in agitation. Why was he acting like he concerned for her? If he had concerned for her he would have let him marry her Laksh. Not he would have married him.

"I am not acting", he replied calmly.

"Yes. You're", Her voice was broking as she opened her mouth.

"I'm not. Truly I care for you Ragini. Ragini you can't force love.",he tried to make her understand as he grabbed her shoulder and make her look into his eyes. She looked at him, there was concern and affection for her. "Don't touch me", she shouted at him.

"Don't shout. Please might hear you", he said her in louder. "And I can touch you. You're my wife remember that", he reminded her. That is the only thing she want to forget.

"I'm not. I loved Laksh"

"Yeah. I know. Even you was saying you loved him. Not love him", he pointed her.

"And forget about him. He won't be in your life other than your devar.", he said authority.

She looked at him in disbelief. He was ordering her when he had snatched all her happiness.

"What are you thinking of yourself?", she asked in anger, as she grabbed his collar in her hand.

"As your husband. If you like or not you have to accept that. I'm your husband", he replied coolly as he freed her hands from his collar.

"And try to accept the fact sooner. And change your dress", he ordered her again.

She slowly moved to the changing room lifelessly, and came out from the room. She saw him sleeping as he put the pillow as border in the bed. "Sleep. Are you willing to stand there and watch me?", he asked her opening her eyes.

She nodded her head and slept on the bed. "If you are not willing to accept our relation. It's okay I would take my rights", he replied her as he kissed her forehead.

She saw him in shocked, her first kiss.

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