Mccree x Cannibal Reader

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(Requested by   SUPER_REAL_MONSTER Hope you enjoy))

You are a previous agent of overwatch you were missing in action after an intense mission. Everyone assumed that you were dead because everyone had searched the forest for weeks. All they found was your gun and parts of your outfit.
The overwatch agents slowly forgot about you all bar one. Little did you know this one person still search for you to this day. His name was Jesse Mccree when you knew him he was still a blackwatch agent.

One day Jesse had to go to the forest because townspeople had started to go missing. At first he thought it was an animal because, when the town's people's corpses came back they were stripped of meat. When he set out to find this 'animal' he started looking in the places that the animal attacks had been taking place.

He went into the forest with a small team of soldiers, He lead the small party to the site of the first attack. Blood still stained the trees and the smell of rotten flesh still lingerd in the air. Mccree looked around the site for any animal prints but there were none. He found a lot of weapons stained in the blood of the first villager. He came to the conclusion that the villager was heavily armed.

One of the soldiers heard noises and went to investigate. Mccree and the rest the group only heard his scream and theyall rushed to his rescue. But it wasn't to late for him, when they got there he was on the ground with a chunk of flesh missing from his leg. Mcree told the rest of the soldiers to stay where they are and he would go after the animal.

Mccree followed tracks to a small cave, It was starting to get dark so he decided to turn back for today. So he went back to the village and waited for morning to come. He got a statement from the soldier that got attacked and he said he was attacked by a person. Mccree asked people about the previous attacks and he was told that they were all carrying big guns and that they all were within a kilometer of the cave.

As soon as the sun started to rise Mccree set out alone. He kept his pistol hidden as he wondered closer to the small cave, as soon as he was outside. He took his pistol off his belt and he put it on the ground and he also took off his scarf, He entered the cave soon after.

The cave was lit by the end of his cigar and they're was a putrid smell lingering in the air. He continued to walk deeper into the cave and he came across a box. This box was white and a freezer. Mccree approached the freezer and opened it. There was chunks of meat in there and it had an unpleasant smell.

Jesse continued further into the cave, he found an engine. It looked like it was from a ship, it was running a cord to the freezer. He went further in and he found a little bedroom and a campfire area. The fire had only recently been put out.

Jesse relit the fire with his cigar and he saw tally marks carved into the cave wall. He went to turn around and leave but you were standing there.
"W-Who are you? " you stuttered
"I'm Jesse Mccree " Jesse introduced " and who might you be? " he asked in a calm voice
" I-I'm (your first name ) (your last name) or as you would of known me ( overwatch agent name)" you say looking him in the eye.

Jesse hugged you close and almost cried " i-is it really you?" Mccree asks, you replied with a simple nod.

TIMESKIP brought to you by Gunderson's Unshelled Nuts.

Mccree and you had been talking for hours and hours. You still hadn't told him why you didn't contact overwatch and why you lived the way that you do now. Mccree kept bringing up but, you still wouldn't open up about it. You would continuously change the subject. As the hours passed

the sun kept getting lower and lower in the sky. You thought mccree would go but he stayed till it was no sun anymore. He offered to let you stay at the hotel but you kindly refused.

As soon as mccree left you started to try and pack your things. You didn't want to be brought back to overwatch. The reason you didn't tell mccree why you didn't contact overwatch was because you got threatened by one of the previous agents. They said they would kill you if you ever came back. They forced your vehicle to crash and they told the villages to try and hunt you down.

You didn't like eating the forest animals so you resorted to eating the people who came after you. He didn't want to tell mccree that because he would have said that he could protect you, or report the agent, but that would have gotten him hurt or worse.

Once you had finished packing your stuff you heard footsteps at the entrance of your cave. You knew it was mccree but you didn't know what he was here for. You saw the faint glowing of his cigar and you sighed, giving up. Mccree asked what you were doing and why you had packed everything.

Then you told him everything.   

  TIMESKIP brought to you by Bastion getting play of the game.... again.

You ended up going back to the hotel with mccree. He was going to take you back to overwatch headquarters and he was trying to get you off of human. But you couldn't get off human, you tried to eat normal food but it made you sick. So you kept eating your stash and missing meals.

The next day Mccree was taking you back to overwatch and you were really nervous about it. He kept calming you and telling you about everyone and about all the stuff you have missed. You kinda did miss everyone and then you remembered Winston and you got excited, He might be able to make a human substitute that won't make you feel sick.

When you got back you were greeted by everyone and they were very excited to see you. You asked winston about it and he said he would work on it. Mccree showed you around base and you had to share a room with him for a week and a bit so that the other agents could sort out a room for you.

The first night you stayed in mccrees room he slept on the floor, the second night you slept on the floor and then on the third night you ended up sleeping together.

TIMESKIP Brought to you by taking pictures of you and mccree in bed cuddling

You and Mccree grew very close and you started to have some feelings for him. You had become partners with him and you still shared a room with him. You had gotten the human substitute and it tasted good.

You were watching a scary movie with genji, lucio,, mercy and mccree.
Genji was holding mercy close, Lucio was holding close and mccree was holding you close. You fell asleep during the movie and mccree sighed and took you to his room.

He put you on his bed and he kissed your head and smiled getting into bed with you.
"Love you darlin" he says before falling asleep himself.
Little did he know that was filming the entire thing. The next day the video went viral on youtube.

(Sorry if this was a bit late. Hope you enjoyed. Next fanfic that will be published will be Junkrat x male reader)

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