Can I have your surname???

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K: "hey Vishal... What's up??? Got any idea ???"
Vishal: "ya.... ASR's weakness... He has a few...."
K: "weakness..."
V: "his niece.... He will be worried if she goes missing right...."
She smirks: "he loves his niece... But it won't be that easy to get her... His security team is too strong... You should know... After all your man in the security team would have informed you... But let me tell you, you don't know half of the details... They have a history of tracing anyone... And I'm sure that they even know about your man..."
V: "but they don't know about you?"
K: "i have a history of not being traced, ever.... I have access to the most advanced technologies... Have a lot of contacts.... That if I decide that someone is not to be found, they would never be... Even if he/she is right under the nose of the one searching...."
V: "Khushi... Can you... Can you get the kid??? Just keep the girl with you for a few days and you can leave her when we get him to sign off the deal..."
K: "aren't you looking for a bit too many favours from me???"
V: "he will be destroyed.... The deal is something he wished a lot for... You can have your revenge...."
K: "my revenge won't be complete like that... He will loose someone whom he holds close..."
V: "the kid??? You r planning to...."
She again smirks: "I'm important for him too..."
V: "what do you mean?"
K: "he is love with me... A weakness... I'll make sure that he'll loose me..." She opens her fist infront of her face and blows against it "phoof... I'll disappear into thin air... No one will find me... All these years I was right here in Delhi... But none were able to find me... Because none knew where to look for... Whom to look for..."
Vishal just kept on looking at her astonished....
"I'll take care of the girl... Call ASR tomorrow at this time... Make sure that your call is not traced... Don't try to contact me... The ​girl will automatically reach them when our work is done... It's better if we don't contact each other... He would have no idea where to look for... And he won't​ get anything from you too as even you wouldn't know who has got her nor where she would be..."

Khushi entered the building, texting on her phone. She went to the reception.
K: "is Rathore in any important meeting?"
Receptionist: "No ma'am... He is actually with some friend of his. She had come for a meeting and recognised sir..."
K: "she?" She quirked her eye brow.
She walked into the cabin without​knocking to see N.K chatting with a foreign girl... 'Susanne Houston' a friend from university, she recognised. She saw the girl turning around shocked at the intrusion.
S: "what the hell... Don't you know to knock??? You really need a new set of staffs N.K..."
K: "well, hello to you too, Su...."
The girl started at her surprised for a moment before looking at a smiling N.K
S: "er... K?" She asked as realisation dawned on her and Khushi just shrugged.
S: "Smiley... Oh god... You have changed a lot... Just guessed it's you because I'm here in front of him..." She said pointing towards N.K. "I didn't know you guys were still in touch..."
K: "He is my childhood friend Su... Obviously we'll be in touch..."


Arnav fell on the seat as the call got cut. Isha... His princess... Someone just called him stating that she is with them...
His staff stood in front of him wondering what the matter was. He was in the middle of a meeting when the continuous calls disturbed him. The private number had him intrigued.
La came to the conference hall to get confirmation about a few designs and she was shocked seeing the state of ASR. Aman too was standing by the side, wondering what the phone was about.
La: "ASR? You alright... These designs..."
ASR: "Lavanya pls... Not now... Just ask Khushi to look into the designs..."
"Khushi Gupta?" His HR manager interrupted. "But Khushi Gupta resigned"
Aman: "resigned? How can she resign... How can she resign without the 3 month's notice period?"
Manager: "but she had got sir's approval, signed..."
Arnav: "everyone out..." And all started moving out, shaking at his tone. "Aman... Just... Just try to contact Khushi, will you..." He immediately dialed her number just hear that the number is not in service.
Arnav ran his hand through his hair and PRIVATE NUMBER flashed again on his mobile screen.


They were in Starbucks...
N.K: "so... How is life, Su?"
S: "good... Well actually I'm loving it... They pay me for travelling around... What else can a girl ask for.... " She said with a grin...
K: "oh... You like to travel around... Got to see any places after coming here?"
S: "no... Was busy with the deal... But now that it's over... I'm planning to... You guys like to accompany me?"
K: "I'll be a bit busy... I was on leave for a few days... Have a lot of pending work to do... Rathore will accompany you... After all he got the deal with your company..."
S: "N.K... That would be lovely.... Heard that your Great Grandfather was a King... You still got any palace??" Khushi chuckled hearing the question and N.K turned towards her knowing very well, who gave the information to Susanne.
S: "so you r a... Uncrowned Prince??? Or better yet... A king???"
Now that converted the chuckles into full blown laughter, while N.K's face turned red, both with embarrassment and anger.
N.K: "Khushi ki bachi.... I'll kill you today... "


Khushi looked at the man sleeping, his head on her chest, one of his hand cupping a breast... Her best friend. He looked just like a baby, sleeping. 'baby...' her hand went to her belly. She remembered how Arnav talked to the baby the other day. Promising that he would be the best dad, that he would never leave her hand. He wanted a daughter.
She fell asleep her hand still over her belly.


Arnav stood shocked at the headlines.
'We have a QUEEN in the fashion world...'
And there was a candid of Khushi stepping out of her car, in a business attire.

Vishal sat looking at the newspaper, a smirk intact. He looked at the legal papers on his desk, with ASR's signature on them, transferring AR to his name... He had made sure that ASR didn't get time to read the papers. And with today's news, the prime suspect would be K... ASR got destroyed by K and now ASR will destroy K... for betraying him...
He is the one who benefited in between their love-revenge game...


Khushi was woken up by her partner.
K: "kya yaar??? You didn't let me sleep the whole night.. and now..."
"You would want to see this, doll..." He said handing over the newspaper. Her eyes widened seeing the news.
' Finally K is out in front of the world. It's hard to believe that the one who gave ASR a tough time is a girl. But our sources claim to have seen her in AR quite a few times, but not in this attire. They say she looked nothing like the most sought out fashion designer, while in AR. But what was she doing in AR, in the first place?...'
K: "what?? How?? "
And then she remembered Adrian calling her K infront of Vishal. Her anger flaired.
"Vishal Sinhania... You were always a target... But after this...  By the time I'm be done with you, you'll be wishing​ that you were not even born..."
She attended her ringing phone.
K: "hmm... I'm fine.... Bhai... Till the end of this day, I want bigger news in all the media... Vishal will be doomed... But by the KAAS... The KAAS should fill the news Bhai..."
She cut the call. She sat there, with a blank expression, not even caring to cover herself up.
"I'll go check the arrangements..."
He turned around to leave, but was stopped by her hand on his wrist.
K: "you offered your surname... Can I have it today?" She completed, finally looking at him.

I know this is a sort update... Sry for that... Not proof read... I know it's again a bunch of crap... Might change the epi... But with time... Everything just went... I don't know... It's like a hurricane passed through my head.... These two episodes had been a mess....
But no... I'm not gonna update the next epi without getting comments on this one....😈😈😈 Sry for typos and thanks for reading...

Adiós amigos...

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