Chapter 1

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                      Kat/ Kyle


On Friday, June 21, 2013, I was going to spend the night at my friend Becca's house.... but in the middle of the night, we got in a big fight and I decided to walk home. It wasnt that far away. My house was in the woods behind Becca's house. So anyway I decided to walk home.

As I was walking, I heard something that you wouldnt normaly hear around these woods. At first I thought i had a dog following me. I turned around and, nothing was there. I thought for sure something was following me.  I turned back around and continued walking home. then I heard it again. A dog growling or something, followed by someone screaming. I was feeling brave at the momment and decided to go look to see what happened.

Then, as I was looking around the scream had turned into a gurgle sound, then like choking. When I finaly got close enough to where the sound was coming from I saw it.  A guy standing over a dead women.

He looked up and saw me. our eyes locked. something was telling me to run to him, to trust him. I gasped and turned around and ran as fast as I could. it wasnt to long after that I heard footsteps behind me. i looked behind me and saw that the guy was right on my heels. i tryed running faster but before i could speed up, two very strong arms wrapped around my waist. I screamed as the guy pulled me into him. he quickly put his hand over my mouth, keeping me from screaming. i was frozen with fear.  you know how in the books and movies that when the girl gets kidnaped she usualy trys to fight back, to not show the kidnaper that shes afraid? yeah, well, i did the complete oposite.. if his hand wasnt on my mouth i would have been begging him to let me go, and that my parents dont have any money for ransom. i started shaking. The guy must have senced that i was completly afraid of him because his grip around my waist losened.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," he whispered in my ear, "you have to trust me. ok?" i nodded slowly. he turned me around so I was facing him. I looked in his eyes, they were a sky blue. he took his hand off my mouth.

"please let me go I promise I wont-" I pleaded but then stopped when I saw his sky blue eyes turn to a stormy grey color. what?

"Mate!" He growled. ummmm excuse me? did he say Mate? He pulled me closer to him. I gasped and tryed to push him away but that made it worse. he growled again and pulled me closer to him, harder he rested his face on my collar bone and breathed in. Was he seriously sniffing me????

"Let me go please." i cryed. he leaned back with a sad expression on his face. but that quickly turned to anger. his eyes were still a stormy grey and they were......glowing.....

"Not a chance sweetheart." he growled, smiling evily. his voice was deeper then it was a few seconds ago. I still couldnt move. it wasnt because i was paralized with fear, it was the fact that the guy had his arms wrapped around me, holding me tight so I couldnt move. his eyes stoped glowing they were still stormy grey though. he seemed to be lost in thought. after a momment his eyes turned a sky blue again. A few minutes after that a black car, dont ask me what kind, pulled up. the back door opened and a guy came out, holding a rag..

"sooo thats her!!!!! Dayuum you sure got lucky." the new guy said walking toward us.

"yeah i dont care right now. hurry up man!!!!!" the guy holding me said. the new guy shruged and walked up to me. he put one hand on the back of my head and raised the rag to my mouth. my eyes widened.

"No please don-" was all i managed to get out befor the rag was on my mouth. i knew what was on the rag and tryed not to breath in the chemicals. It was exreamly diffucult because i felt like i was having a panic attack. The guy holding me sighed.

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