Chapter 12

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"So... acording to Becca, when you swept Kat off her feet, she didnt exactly come willingly?" My father said. My eyes widened and I looked at becca.

"Sorry" she mouthed. I glared at her and looked at Kyle. He looked like he was about to puke.

"Uhm....well...I guess yeah..." He said

"So you forced her to be with you?"

"No sir. She could have left if she wanted to." Kyle answered

"Uh. well acutally when she first came here you kinda chained her to the bed" Bazil interupted. I turned and looked at him

"Bazil! Shut Up!!" I growled. He bowed his head.

"Sorry Luna.." He mumbled

"You what?" My father asked.

"Uh..It was just-"

"It was just so he can talk to me Dad. He took it off when he was done explaining things." I said

"He still chained you to a bed!" My father growled. "I wont allow you to be with someone who kidnaped you!" Kyle whimpered

"Holy shit dad is that the only thing you payed attention to?!! He protected me from Chris when chris tryed to eat me!" I growled

"I dont care! He still took you away!"

"What the fuck! He hasnt Hurt me ONCE" I shouted. My father stood up  and grabbed my arm

"Come on were leaving." He said pulling me up. Me and Kyle both growled. My mother stared at us with a worried expression.

"Let me go!" I growled pushing my fathers hand off me.

"No your coming with me"

"Put her down" Kyle said standing up. His eyes were turning a stormy grey color. 'fuuuucckkk' I thought

"Dont tell me what to do boy!" My father growled.

"Is that a challange?" Kyle asked.


"You just yelled at the alpha" Kenzie gasped, looking at my father. I smiled at my father. My mother stood up and pulled me out of my fathers grip.

"He's the alpha?" my father asked. I nodded. My father shook his head and grabbed me again "I dont care were still leaving" he pulled me towards the door

"NO" I screamed trying to push him off me

We cant leave our mate Kat! Mia said

"Kat!" Kyle yelled grabbing my other arm

"let her go!" my father yelled

"No!" Kyle yelled back.

You know what to do I told Mia. I felt my eyes change color. Kenzie gasped. I closed my eyes and turned to a wolf. both my father and Kyle let go of me.I growled at my father walking towards him.

If you take me away from him I will hate you for the rest of my life. I will run away constantly to be with him and if you stop me from doing that I will kill my self. Im sure you dont want that I said. He looked suprised then glared at me.

"Were leaving." he grabbed my moms wrist and pulled her to the car. Kenzie ran up to me and hugged my leg. We all watched as my parents sped off.







Dayyyummm Rex said

"Whoa.." Ryan laughed

"Id hate to get on her bad side" Bazil muttered.

"Oh she gets worse then that" Becca smiled

"Really?" I asked smiling. Kat turned human and picked Kenzie up. Kenzie mummbled something and kat responded then put her down and came walking up to me.

Shiit she's pissed Rex said

"You" She looked at me

"Uhm.. yes dear?" I said

"We need to talk. Now. And You!" She looked at Bazil. "Somethings are better left unsaid. Got it?" Bazil nodded. "Good." She grabbed me  and pulled me up to our room closing and locking the door.

"Did I do something wrong? cause if I did I didnt mean to Im sorry" I said

"Besides kidnaping me? No. Thats not why I want to talk to you though." She said. She sat on the bed.

"Okay...what?" I asked sitting next to her.

"Two things..1st. Kenzie wants to call me mom and you dad. She asked me while I was getting her ready. I told her Id talk to you about it. I dont mind but Im not sure if you would." Kat looked at me.

"Uh...Ok I guess"I replied.

"Ok." She looked at the ground.

"Ok and second?" She hesitated

"Ive NEVER gotten in a fight like that with my parents. Ive gotten in fights with them but not like that. Not where we were acutally screaming at each other or got physical. And definantly not where we left it unresolved like that." she cryed. she burried her face into her hands

I can see why she's pissed Rex stated. I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her

"Why do they hate you!!" she cryed harder

"Well I kinda did kidnap you"

"So! I dont care why should they!"

"They're just being protective over you"

"They need to stop! Im not a baby anymore I can take care of my self"

"...Im sorry" I whispered softly. She looked up at me


"Im sorry I took you. Because of me you and your parents are fighting. I should have waited till the next day to find you and get to know you from there. I just figured that I showed up on your doorstep the next day youd freak out cause you saw me kill that girl" I looked at the ground.

oh god here we go. Rex sighed

"Who was that girl?" Kat asked












Authors note

So I updated. Not sure if its the best. but Oh well. Ok so yea Ill try to update soon. ttyl byeeee

~Andrea :)

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