Chapter 10

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Um Ok Kyle said when I told him to stay where he was. He was standing to the left of me like 10 feet away. I wonderd how he didnt see me. Or the wolf that was infront of me in a hollowed out tree. Then she -the wolf- started turning human. She looked fimilar.

No Way!!! I gasped when the wolf turned fully human.


It's Becca!!

Whos Becca?

My Best friend! I said. there was a long silence

Why didnt you tell me you knew a werewolf? Kyle asked

I didnt know I knew a werewolf!! I said. I stared at Becca. She was looking at the ground, crying. I turned human and stepped out of my hiding place.

"Becca?" I asked taking a step foward. She looked up.

"Kat?" She looked at me then jumped up and hugged me. "Oh my God where were you? What happened? Your a werewolf? When did that happen? Are you okay?"

"Yea Im fine. Howd you find me?" I asked, hugging her back.

"I heard rumors that the Alpha of the Stone ridge pack found his mate who was human the same night you left my house. I am Soooo sorry I shouldnt have yelled at you that night I should have made you stay Or I should have at least walked home with you" She cryed harder.

"Kat Is everything ok?" I heard Kyle walk up behind me.

"You! Your the one that took her! You Son of a bitch!!!" Becca pulled back from me and lashed out at Kyle. Kyle stepped back, and I jumped in front of her.

"Becca its ok I acutally liked it here." I said

"But you were human before!!!! He turned you! You Fucking Ass!!" She growled at him

"I didnt Turn her! I killed the person who did!!" He growled back. I remembered the fight and how before I passed out how me and Chris' eyes met. I was gonna say he didnt die but now didnt seem like the time.

"You still Kidnaped her!! Seriously?! What kind of mate are you? If she even is you mate!!"

"Becca Shut Up For A Freaking Minute!" I yelled. She looked at me, tears were still streaming out of her eyes. "Its Not his fault I was changed to a werewolf. And Yes Maybe he did kidnap me But Im over that, the past is the past."

"Im not like you Kat. I dont 'forgive and forget' as easily as you do. If someone hurts my friend they better run, hide and pray to god I dont find them." She said and glared at Kyle. "But, since the rumors seem to be true and he is your mate and you are his I wont kill him."

But can I at least slap him? Becca asked through her head. I thought for a momment.

Fine I said. I stepped aside and Becca walked up to Kyle and slapped him. He growled and I saw his eyes change color. I growled back at him. he looked at me.

"She Slapped me!" Kyle said.

"I know. I gave her promission to." I said.


"Becca, wanna come back to the house with us? I have loads to tell you."

"Im not sure. I mean, my parents are probaly worried. I did Kinda leave with out saying anything." She said

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