Chapter 2 - Dodge Ball Time...

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             We, including Jimmy, were all in History and P.E. together. History was super boring, but it went by quickly. Last and our favorite was P.E.! We quickly went to the gym and changed into gray shorts and Carolina blue t-shirts. I glanced at the whiteboard that displays what we will do,"Dodge Ball" I said. I walk over to the guys and told them we were playing dodge ball. "What fun." says Jimmy. The teacher divides the class into 2 groups. Bobby, Joey & I were on one team and Tom, Will & Greg were on the opposing team.

             I leaned against the gymnasium wall. The other wall, across from us, was lined with the enemy. When a piercing high pitched whistle was blown I launched myself to the middle of the gym to the Circe in which all the dodge balls were held. I grabbed one and ran back, others followed my example. I threw mine at a group of girls that were socializing in the back and it hit one in the back and she fell. I started to laugh at her expression when something flew past my arm barely missing, that brought me back to Earth. I caught one and threw it at Greg. It knocked him in the head. He glared at me and then went to sit down on the sideline. Will threw one at me and I immediately caught it. I sent it flying at someone and they got out. Now it was only 5 people on their team and 6 on ours. Oops. Spoke er,... thought to soon. 5-5. Tom threw one at me, I attempted to dodge it... it missed, its just that I started to fall and I knocked into Joey. The game was over anyway, Tom's team got out because of Jimmy and the other two team mates. I was lying on Joey. I was inches, possibly centimeters, away from his eyes and I smiled. I got up and helped Joey up. Any other girl in that situation probably would have freaked out, but I'm not them. Am I? People were starring again (we still don't care whatsoever). The teacher dismissed us and I went to the girl's locker room. I was stopped by Jessie Harris she said,"Hey everybody! Look, love on the 'battle field'!" "What?" "You two are obviously dating." "What the heck are you talking about you-" Someone's hand covered my mouth before I said something inappropriate. Jessie stumbled backwards 'cause I was kicking and scratching at her. I kicked the girl that was holding on to me in the shin and I turned around after she let go and I said,"Who do you think you... Liz?" She grunted and said,"Hi."Um thanks, that could've gotten out of hand." We got dressed and headed out.

           I said,"You wanna do something?" "Um, sure." "Well I'm to get pizza with the guys if you wanna come." "Which guys?" "Um, Joey, Jimmy-" "Jimmy? Jimmy who?" "Jimmy Thompson." Her eyes widened and she says,"What?" "Yep and-" "Okay, I'll come." "O-Kay. Come with me." Liz has long black hair and piercing blue eyes. We went to the car shop at our school, it's for people who want to pursue a mechanical career. The whole time I was walking there I was wondering where she went after 3rd grade. Anyway when we arrived I saw a dude, he said,"Well hey there Ms. Michelle." A smile quickly appeared on my face," Hey Kenndel." "Hey there, fore what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?" "Well, is my truck ready?" "Why, yes, yes it is." "Fantasic! Do you want me to pay you-" "No, no. Its fine." "Okay." He threw me my keys, and I hopped in the truck followed by Liz. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2013 ⏰

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