Part 4

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You've been watching and sometimes playing with Kuroko and Aomine every end of the club. When it's their club time you stayed up and watched them but after club has ended you go down and watched Kuroko. But today, you can't come with them because you have lots of things to do.

----Next Day----

“We are going to have your advance project about all you've learned in my subject. I'm going to pair you all so that you won't have any comments. For the first pair (boy) and (girl), (boy) and (girl)......... , Akashi and (f/n) and the last one is Murasakibara and (girl). Now pair up and talk about this. The deadline will be 2 month from now, you've got lots of time to work for this!” The teacher instructed. Akashi moved his chair to your desk.

“So, we meet again” he said with a smile

“Uhh Yeaah it seems so..” You said and smiled at him.

“Anyways we've got lots of time to do this. Let's just start after my match.” He smirked and go back to his desk, thinking. "Okay then" you looked at the window.

Time skips and the club starts. But you can't go there right now because you have been asked by your teacher to go to his office.

“ You finally came!” Your teacher said

“Hehe yes, sorry for being late” you said rubbing the back of your neck.

“ It's alright, anyways id like you to meet Midorima Shintaro and Midorima this is (l/n) (f/n) I believe both of you are classmates in my subject but I don't know if you know each other. Anyways, I've got a task for you two so please listen carefully…. So you got it?” Your biology teacher said.

“Yes” you both said in unisons

‘Great, I've been stuck with mister boring guy’ you thought to yourself not liking the idea.

“Good then, here's the keys. Now go on” he said closing the discussion. You both left and proceeded to the science laboratory to look for some things related to his subject.

“Mr. Boring guy? Why do you hold that ‘thing’ with you?” You asked pointing his lucky item, the little crab statue.

He got annoyed at what you called him. He didn't answer your question and continued ignoring you.

“So Mr. Boring guy’s name is Midorima Shintaro and its pretty funny on how you don't want to tell it to me but our teacher did it hahaha!” You said continued teasing him. “Oh, btw you don't need to show to the whole world how much you love that crab! Mr. Boring guy!”

He got really pissed at you more and more until he can't handle it anymore.

“Will you please shut up! You loud mouth!!” He finally speaks up

“Oh Finally! You spoke up!” You teased

“ I can't believe I've helped you, I shouldn't have done that! Why can't you even shut up your big mouth for a second?! And don't interfere with my life! I have my own life and you shouldn't care on what I like to do! So please shut up! You big mouth!!!” Your eyes widen with those words and water starts to come, you tried to hold your tears really hard and glad it didn't fall.

“I- I'm sorry, I just want you to speak up….but I didn't expect this to happen” you said looking at your feet. He finally got to his senses and were surprise at what he has said to you.

“I-I'm sor..” You cut him off

“Let's just finish this and leave..” You said still looking at your feet and he nodded worried.

You both finally found what you're looking and reported it back to your teacher. You still have time for Kuroko's late practice with Aomine and you decided to visit for a while.

“Hello! Tetsu-kun!!” You said pretending to be happy. He looked at you with his sad expression.

“Oh Hey (f/n)-chan…” he said with a low voice

“Hey, Tetsu-kun what's wrong?” You asked worried for him

“I got something to tell you…”

“I got something to tell you…” Kuroko said. You were really worried and curious as to what happened to him.

“Okay, I'm listening..” You paid close attention to him and he deeply breath closing his eyes then open it.

“(f/n)-chan… sensei said that I'm lacking in everything and that ill just give up trying or keep on going...I-I don't know what to do…” Kuroko sit on the floor and cried. “I-I made a p-promise to my friend… and were really looking forward to it…. I never thought that t-this will ruin i-it..” He tried to stop crying but failed. You were shocked and worried at his state. You then kneeled and put his head on your chest, hugging him tight trying to comfort him.

“So we both have a bad day” you murmured “but Tetsu-kun, don't worry everything will be fine. I'm sure as time goes by you will do good and improve. We just have to wait at a right time and moment, okay? So stop crying! You'll look ugly if don't! “ you said, wishing that he will be fine.

“Hey Kuro…” Aomine freeze at what he saw and quickly hide. He saw you and kuroko hugging. ‘oh! That guy! He can do better than that!” He murmured. He looked closely to the two of you and his face gets red from his dirty imagination, hoping for something to happen. Later on, an insect went to his face and to his surprise he screamed running inside the gym. “waaaaaah!!!!” You two looked at Aomine with a shock face and he stopped, acting normal like nothing happened.

“So, how are you two?” He asked pretending that nothing happens and looks away. When you two finally get to your senses, you break and separate. Kuroko wiped his tears and you looked at the opposite direction from kuroko.

“It's none of your business” you said to Aomine and looked at him.

“Hmmm...something's fishy here..” He teased

“Yeah Yeah, fish this!” You said playfully. You both teased each other and you stand up to go to the basketballs cart then started throwing some basketballs to Aomine which he dodges.

“Aomine-kun..” Kuroko called him Aomine looked at kuroko having his face slapped with the ball, and the three of them laugh. ‘glad that Tetsu-kun is okay now’ you taught, laughing at Aomine. You looked at the time and got shocked.

“Oh gosh! I'm late again!” You said, forgetting the two. They looked at you and come up an idea.

“Hey (L/N)! We’ll take you home. You want to go now?” Aomine asked

“Yes! I'm sorry for this, I just really have lots of things to do today” you explained

“Sure thing! Not a problem, we will just change now” he said and went to the changing room with Kuroko. When they're finally done, they took you home and the two of them started walking back to their own place.

‘Hope Tetsu-kun will be fine’ you thought and sleep on your comfy bed.

The next day you went to his club and watched them all closely, observing each and every player. You didn't hear any footsteps and were surprise at the person who suddenly talk.

“You seemed to be fond of basketball.” The person asked. You looked at him surprise.

“Yeah, I somehow like basketball. But you see mister, I'm not the athletic type and I only know some basics.” You explained. Sure, you love basketball but it was a long time ago.

“ Hmm.. You seemed to have an observant eye.. If you like you can be one of the manager. Why not try? You also don't have a club yet, right?” He asked. You're surprise at his offer but you need to have a club too and you love basketball before. Why not try to love it again? I mean nothing will die trying. And with that you accepted the offer.

“Yes! I will do it!” You said confidently

“Good! Then start tomorrow” he said.

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