Part 17

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Im finally home! Im so glad that our trip is over, now all I have to do is call Tetsu-kun for updates. Ive called him and he said that tomorrow is the start of the Halloween party so I have to wear my costume when coming to school. I bet tomorrow will be fun! I got home late at night so I just slept until its already morning.

"(F/N)! Wake up! Or you will be late! And we have to prepare for your costume" My mom screamed waking me up. Sometimes I just don't even know if I want to have a mother like her or just a normal mother like the others. I sighed and went to eat then take a shower. When I got out of the bathroom my mom was standing in front of me with her hands on her hips.

"That took you long, now get here and let me dress you up" she said in a serious voice. Wow sometimes my mom really does scare. So no matter how much I don't want to do what she asks of me, it leaves me no choice but to follow her. I wanna cry!!


Im heading to my room dressed up in a ghost costume, well I think it suits me since I feel like a ghost even though I don't wear any costumes. Nothing changes actually.

"Hey! Tetsu!" Aomine-kun called me, I looked at him and he is wearing a wolf costume. Then I saw Momoi with him wearing a devils costume and she runs up to me as she saw me.

"Waah! Tetsu-kun! You look so cutee!!!" she said hugging him tightly. I think im going to die and be a real ghost.

"Satsuki! He is chocking" Aomine-kun said

"Aww cmon Aomine-kun!" she told him

"Anyway Tetsu, wheres (f/l)?" he asked

"I don't know but she said she will come today" I told him and he nodded then we all went to the classroom.

Everyone was wearing their costumes and it seems that im in a real life horror movie. Then our president finally assigned us all to our designated tasks, as to all of us were in charge of the horror house. I texted (f/l)chan to tell her that were in here. Theres already a few students entering and they've all screamed and shouted though some were fangirling to Kise, Though it's a bit crowded if all of us were here so Akashi assigned us all that every half minutes we will exchange our parts. There will be two people inside this room while the others will be outside helping with the other booths and giving flyers. I wonder what took (f/l)chan so long.


Omg! Im so late! This is all my mothers fault! I cant believe that she is the one who is more excited than me. Kuroko texted me that we are assigned to the horror house so I went inside the school looking for them. I finally saw a banner that said horror house and I guess im here. I looked at the doors and it looked really scary. Wow this school sure is look haunted, wherever I look all I could see is a creepy costumes though some are cute. I guess I will head inside now. I knocked at the door and it creepily opened slowly, it gives me goose bumps, Now Im not sure if im afraid or not. I guess I will step in now, I just hope im entering the right place.

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