Angry Birds & Cobra Killers

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I have never been a cheater. Every short lived relationship I've been in I've been faithful, every game of monopoly I played fair, and even as a kid I never felt the need to cheat on tests. But as I finger my friend while looking through this phone book, (I know, I didn't even think phone books still existed either) I wonder if this is double cheating on Camila somehow. We never made anything official, hell, I haven't even kissed the girl yet, but for some reason I feel a little guilty for letting Allyson ride my fingers while kissing my neck. But I feel even more guilty for looking through this old phone book my parents had, searching for Camila's name and the matching number, so I can just figure out the last four digits of it myself instead of going to the last two locations.

This task would be much easier if I knew what the K in Camila's name stands for, because looking through all the Karen's and Koala's are getting me nowhere. Yes, there are actually people named Koala. Sometimes I really wonder what people are thinking when they name their kids. I don't know why everyone can't be normal like my parents. Why do they name their kids things like Calvinesha? I shake my head as I flip through the C section, really questioning why I'm even doing this.

"Ah! Fuck Lauren, I'm cumming!" Ally moans out, grinding herself into my lap as she shakes against me. Ally sighs as her wetness leaks onto my fingers, and she leans her head against my shoulder as she comes down from her high.

"It's been so long, I miss that." The blonde sighs, and I smile as she gently kisses the crook of my neck.

"Thanks for that, Lo." Ally stands up from the chair we were fucking in, my fingers slipping out of her tight channel with a wet slick.

"Anytime, I don't know why we ever stopped." I eagerly pull my fingers into my mouth as I watch the small woman walk to my bed from the desk, laying across it in exhaustion. The one thing about fucking Ally is that she has a taste like no other, like honey dew melon and sunshine. I used to eat her out just for the taste almost everyday after school when Mani and I weren't hanging (banging) out.

"You moved away to La La Land, that's what happened." Ally and I began dating my junior year, and we split up when I moved to New York for college. I missed her immensely, and now every time I come to visit, we "catch up." Watching her curl up in my bed makes me feel nostalgic, I remember her sneaking into my room and we would cuddle and make out, and her hiding in my closet every time my parents would come up to my room. I miss those days, when every thing was simpler and I had no worries for the future, there was no mysterious girl with a secret agenda making me chase after her. What would have happened if I would have stayed in Miami? Would Ally and I still be together? Would I even have went to college? Oh, so now I'm reflecting on my life, when do I ever do that? What the fuck is wrong with me?

"What ya thinking about Laur?" My ex sits up from the bed, her concern to me present in her hazel orbs.

"Just thinking what could have been in a different world...if I would have stayed in Miami with you instead of leaving. I still feel bad about it sometimes." I shrug, and she spreads her arms out for me, and I walk over and cave into her embrace, laying my head on her chest as she squeezes me tight. I feel like I'm in high school all over again, and my eyes water as I realize I miss being here, at home with my gay father with creepy kinks, my bitchy sister, spoiled brother and borderline disrespectful mom.

"It's okay Lo, I think it was meant to be this way. If you didn't move to New York then you wouldn't be as successful as you are, and I think it's good that we're friends anyways." Ally comforts, gently petting my hair in a way that would have annoyed me if it was anyone else.

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